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Looking for some routes in Vermont near Burlington
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Topic Name: Looking for some routes in Vermont near Burlington
on: May 27, 2012, 04:44:18 PM
Posts: 9
Looking for some routes in Vermont near Burlington
May 27, 2012, 04:44:18 PM »
I recently purchased a 2012 Salsa Fargo Ti and looking to try it out on some nice VT dirt. I did a nice 50 mile loop today leaving from Shelburne heading out to Huntington via Sherman Hollow road then back around using the Cross VT trail, then up Governor Chittenden Rd but there was way too many paved roads and traffic for my liking. Been reading the forums looking for some ideas and was hoping someone could point me in a new direction.
Topic Name: Looking for some routes in Vermont near Burlington
Reply #1
on: May 27, 2012, 05:37:47 PM
Location: Horgen, Switzerland
Posts: 1122
Re: Looking for some routes in Vermont near Burlington
Reply #1 on:
May 27, 2012, 05:37:47 PM »
Don't think you are going to be able to eliminate the paved sections to connect dirt. Especially up here in Chittenden county.
We have a fall 200k that is 60% dirt. And a 100k that is 50% dirt. Both leave from Burlington.
You can get some nice dirt road riding if you take in things like Nashville Rd, Stage Rd., Wes White to Pond to Huntigton, then Lincoln Hill or Texas Hill or Shaker Mountain Rd or head down to Starksboro on Big Hollow.
A ride I have done out of BTV is to ride to Richmond via Gov Chittenden and Johnnie Brook, the Dugway to Texas Hill and Economou. You can then ride portions of Hinesburg Town Forest and even into Carse, then Lincoln Hill or Hollow and connect some more dirt.
Other options include Leavensworth, Baldwin to Prindle to Roscoe to Lewis Creek. That is all rideable on 28s or cross tires.
Some nice dirt roads to be had in marshfield, cabot, and Plainfield area, as well as portions in around Huntington and Richmond. Then agagain down near Bristol and Linclon.
Topic Name: Looking for some routes in Vermont near Burlington
Reply #2
on: June 13, 2012, 05:48:29 AM
Location: Vermont USA
Posts: 64
Re: Looking for some routes in Vermont near Burlington
Reply #2 on:
June 13, 2012, 05:48:29 AM »
My goal this year was to attempt to ride a version of the original Dave Blumenthal Vermont Bikepacking Route. (The DBVB? -it needs a name too!) The premise is to connect a bunch of single track with nice dirt and class 4 roads somewhat between the style of the Tour Divide and Trans North Georgia... though probably closer to the later. Originally we wanted to ride Mass border to Quebec border but then came up with the idea to make it car free by starting and finishing in Montpelier.
It does not go into Chittenden County but it is open to suggestions. Should be better when you can take the train to Montpelier. So far we've linked:
Montpelier to Northfield old ski trail Turkey Hill to Berlin
to the Washington 55 bikepacking loop
Upper Valley Class 4
STAB (ascutney)
Grafton/Putney Ridge to Mass Border
Harriman Reservoir through Green Mountain National Forest Southern Section
Plymouth 4 Corners to Notown, Vt
Pittsfield/Rochester Midd Gap
Mooslamoo - Natural Turnpike
Lincoln Gap
Mad River Trails
Little River to Cotton Brook (in the works legally)
From Morrisville I am up in the air on design...
could take rail trail to Hardwick and up to Border or to Kingdom Trails.
At this point it is a 80/day 1000 mile route...
Anyone interested in a Vermont Bikepacking Route send me a PM and I can send you a .gpx - tell me what you think
or go out and map some of the northern section and send ME a .gpx
Topic Name: Looking for some routes in Vermont near Burlington
Reply #3
on: June 13, 2012, 06:33:53 AM
Location: Horgen, Switzerland
Posts: 1122
Re: Looking for some routes in Vermont near Burlington
Reply #3 on:
June 13, 2012, 06:33:53 AM »
I'm looking at a 3-4 day trip of exploring in August. Most likely solo.
I'll PM you for a GPX, so I can start planing a section of this.
For getting close to Chittenden county, not sure. After I see a GPX maybe I can make suggestions. You could maybe ride Huntington Gap (not sure if it is legal, only been nearby on foot), and then do Carse / Hinesburg town forest. Wouldn't be much fun on a loaded bike, and would likely be a side option.
I really want to connect in from Nashville, West Bolton over to Bolton Ski area then down into Little River. Scouted some of it last fall. Lots of VAST trail up there, some of it on public land, but I've been told lots of it on private. Sort of using the idea of the Bolton to the Barns nordic event.
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