Hey munky,
What kind of mph can I expect on that stretch from Cumberland Falls State Park to Arvel
We averaged 3.9 mph on that stretch. I had 43.69 miles and 11:13 H:M of moving time to go from the Cumberland Lodge to our second resupply in Bernstadt, KY. In Bernstadt, we had a pizza dinner from the gas station / gun shop, bivvy’d on the grass lawn between a chapel and a cemetery, and refueled / breakfast at the same station before going two days / 120 miles to the next resupply just before the Red River Gorge. The Mountain Parkway exit you ride by has good services.
I pack pretty light and I'll be riding a rigid El Mariachi with Minions.
Hmm… I don’t know if I’d want to go out there fully rigid. And the concept of a ‘light kit’ on this course may consist of a Borat suit in a toothpaste tube cap. Depends on how much weight you can lift above your head.
Also, how's resupply look like along that stretch?
Water: non-potable aplenty. Food/Services/Etc.: Zero. I’m unsure what may be off-course.
As with anything, YMMV. You’ll definitely become perceptive to your position on our comments once on the trail.
Does this help?