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  Topic Name: 3 days 2 nights Moab Area on: October 18, 2015, 01:21:25 PM

Location: Issaquah, WA
Posts: 108

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« on: October 18, 2015, 01:21:25 PM »

Hey group,  I'm headed down to Moab to ride the White Rim rd (two days) and would like suggestions for another route after that.  I've ridden Kokopelli, and Lockhart Basin Rd. and was looking for something along those lines.  Something in the 150 mile range.  I have been trying to put together a loop that maybe starts out at the Needles visitor center heads down around the Abajo's and back again. I have a possible route but could use some input. Thanks.

  Topic Name: 3 days 2 nights Moab Area Reply #1 on: October 21, 2015, 04:27:07 AM

Posts: 38

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« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2015, 04:27:07 AM »

Does it need to be a loop?   Or do you have options for a drop off or pick up somewhere?  When is you trip?  Snow is starting to fall in the La Sals and Abajos. 

  Topic Name: 3 days 2 nights Moab Area Reply #2 on: October 21, 2015, 08:03:45 AM

Location: Issaquah, WA
Posts: 108

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« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2015, 08:03:45 AM »

Hi Dean,

I arrive in Moab on Fri Oct 31.  Plan on a two day trip around the White Rim Rd (reservation for Potato bottom on the 1st), and then try this loop the next day (see attached). I figure two long or three medium days for it.  I have checked weather cams and reports and it seems the Abajos and La Sals were still snow free as of yesterday.  I will be driving down so I will have one vehicle and dob't have a problem hitching a ride  for a point to point but a loop is easiest.  There is one more in my party so hitching may be a little more challenging.  I would appreciate any info on my loop, as well as any suggestions you might have. Thanks.

* NeedlesAbajos Loop.gpx (648.19 KB - downloaded 232 times.)

  Topic Name: 3 days 2 nights Moab Area Reply #3 on: October 21, 2015, 08:32:26 AM

Location: Issaquah, WA
Posts: 108

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« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2015, 08:32:26 AM »

Dang, just checked the weather cam for Abajo Peak, looks a little white.  Hmmm.

  Topic Name: 3 days 2 nights Moab Area Reply #4 on: October 21, 2015, 10:43:57 AM

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« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2015, 10:43:57 AM »

There has been snow already in the La Sals and Abajos,  although most has melted off, and the last storm seems to have rained up there.  I would be surprised if they stay that way for 10 more day, but you never know.  

That is a great loop.  I would suggest you reverse it and go down Robertson's Pasture and Indian Creek.   Robertson's is steep, and Indian creek is rather sandy, making both a very hard climb.  If there is moisture it would make Indian creek better, but Roberston's Pasture very challenging.   Also technically Robertson's Pasture is closed starting Oct 1st I believe.  This is mostly for hunting reasons, although trail damage is a concern also I'm sure.   There is great potential for bike stopping mud though a lot of the higher north facing slopes up there. Even as low as Cathedral Butte it can be impassable days after rain or snow due to mud.  

I attached another route idea.  Some off this is obviously drawn in, and some is a real track.  There could be mud in the Maze district also, but more passable then the mountains.  You could start in Hanksville to get it down in miles.  Or Green river to make it 200+ with an out and back.  

Another nice loop is the Mormon trail to down to Comb Ridge, around Comb ridge, and back on pavement to top of Mormon trail.  I don't think I have a Gpx track for this.  But here is a video of our trip there.  We did it in two days, but with a car shuttle to skip the pavement.  

* MMMWinterloop.gpx (171.8 KB - downloaded 218 times.)

  Topic Name: 3 days 2 nights Moab Area Reply #5 on: October 21, 2015, 09:04:23 PM

Location: Issaquah, WA
Posts: 108

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« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2015, 09:04:23 PM »

Awesome.  Just to clarify,  you suggest doing my loop in a counter clock wise direction, correct?  I checked on Robertson's pasture, Forest Service site says closed to motorcycles Oct 1-May 15th.  So I will be watching weather closely.  As of now there is no rain/snow forecast for Monticello 4 days prior to when we would start (Nov 3).  If things look sketchy I will use your alternate route, likely starting and finishing in Hanksville.  If i figure correctly that would make it about a 170 mile loop. What do you think about that for 3 days riding?  We will be riding regular mountain bikes, no fat tires.  How is the sand on that loop, especially that long wash just south of Hanksville that takes you East, assuming clockwise travel.  Thanks.

  Topic Name: 3 days 2 nights Moab Area Reply #6 on: October 22, 2015, 05:23:42 AM

Posts: 38

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« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2015, 05:23:42 AM »

Yeah, Counter clockwise to go down Robertson's and Indian Creek.   Indian Creek is more sandy than the roads out by Hanksville I believe. 

On the alternate route I would also go counter clockwise.  This will make the most sandy sections down hill.   I shorted the loop to remove the worst of the sand.  It says 140 miles, but would be more since it has a lot of straight lines drawn in .  I would guess 160 miles.

 It would be a good 3 day loop for a motivated bike packer.  The climb from the Dirty Devil to the Maze is BIG. But once you in the Maze you will be on the most travel route and if conditions are good you should make some miles.   I have done this loop on a 29er with 2.4 and 3.0.  Never walked sand with the 3.0, 2.4 I walked a few 200-300 feet sections at most.  My girlfriend did it on 2.1 and walked very small parts, but she is 100 lbs.   If there has been moisture it should not be a big issue. 

You will be going though park land and will need a permit to overnight there.  It may be hard to time it to make it though that section.  Also you might check with the Ranger Station Hans Flat to see if you can get water there.   Otherwise there are a few springs.  There is a great one an hour or two before you hit the Dirty Devil, but it doesn't seem to show up on my map.  Bring Alum, or be prepared to settle the Dirty if you need it as a water source. 

* MMMwinterloopAA.gpx (98.33 KB - downloaded 208 times.)
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