Anybody on here ridden around Mongolia, or planning to go? I'm planning to be there May-Sept 2016 with the ECR + Packraft. Big loop from UB west via a centralish route dipping into the SW Gobi. Altai by mid summer and back east via a more northernish route. There's lots of trip reports from folks doing big road rides from Europe to China via Mongolia, but they tend to stick to the more travelled routes, it seems, with big loads and skinny tires. This place has tons of remote route potential for a lighter bikepacking setup (especially for 29+ I think). The backcountry is scattered with herders and their horse/camel/Russian motorcycle/jeep/goat trails. It seems like a place to go with a pretty loose itinerary, listen to some local route knowledge, and bring plenty of water capacity. Pretty psyched on it so far. So any input would be great!
Thanks 'er body!