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Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
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Topic Name: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
on: May 15, 2016, 10:59:50 PM
Enjoying the View
Location: Colorado
Posts: 44
Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
May 15, 2016, 10:59:50 PM »
Hey Guys,
I will be heading out to bikepack the Kokopelli Trail this week with one other guy. We are starting May 20th and will be going self-supported headed towards Moab. I have probably been pouring over the details too much but that is just how I work. I am wondering if anyone could provide current feedback on water resupply options? I rode the trail a few years ago but it was a supported trip so water options did not even cross my mind at the time.
So on to the options that are currently available. Does anyone have the Beta on whether theses locations below are currently reliable or even other spots?
-Westwater: I will call the BLM office and make sure the spigot is on
-Buck Spring, just before Dewey Bridge: Sounds like its fairly reliable
-Cottonwood Creek heading up Entrada Bluffs Road
-Hideout Campground
-North Beaver Mesa
-Rock Castle Campsite
Thanks in advance,
Fully Packed Adventure Ministries
Topic Name: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #1
on: May 17, 2016, 06:01:26 AM
rick miller
Location: Golden, CO
Posts: 108
Re: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #1 on:
May 17, 2016, 06:01:26 AM »
I rode part of the Kokopelli last week as part of another loop (
) between Gateway and Moab. There is still a lot of snow at higher elevations in the La Sals and all the creeks are flowing, specifically Beaver Cr. and Castle Cr., and water isn't a problem on that section. Hope that helps.
Topic Name: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #2
on: May 17, 2016, 09:19:17 AM
Hoka Hey
Posts: 8
Re: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #2 on:
May 17, 2016, 09:19:17 AM »
West Water doesn't have plumbed water. There was a tank trailer at one of the employee trailers...don't know if that was available? Of course the river is right there. We watered at Dewey Bridge and West Water, got a squirt from a tour group a few miles past Dewy, there was water...a trickle, in Hideout. The drainage at the campground didn't look as appetizing as the one a couple blocks later. It is a long hot climb from there to Fisher Creek which was clear enough that it didn't require a pre filter(like the Colorado did). We were relieved to get to Fisher Creek so I would suggest having plenty from Fisher Valley to Fisher Creek. Castle Creek had water but the campground was too busy so we continued. It was dark as we skirted the La Sals on the pavement but we did hear a couple drainages running under the road.
Topic Name: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #3
on: May 17, 2016, 11:40:56 AM
Enjoying the View
Location: Colorado
Posts: 44
Re: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #3 on:
May 17, 2016, 11:40:56 AM »
Just what I was looking for thank you Rick and Hoka. And Rick that looks like a great loop. Enjoy the Divide.
Fully Packed Adventure Ministries
Topic Name: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #4
on: May 27, 2016, 11:47:58 AM
Enjoying the View
Location: Colorado
Posts: 44
Re: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #4 on:
May 27, 2016, 11:47:58 AM »
Just a follow up from my Kokopelli trip. We had a successful trip and finished in three full days. We had bad head winds the first two days. We also hit up Western Rim, Yellow Jacket, took Entrada Bluffs Rd, Jimmy Keen and all of the Porcupine Stuff. As for water the big bummer was that West Water was dry. They are doing work down there this summer and there is no electricity or water. But we anticipated this based on a previous comment. We did come across a trail angel water stash at the top of the Bitter Creek lookout which was awesome. Then then filled twice along the Colorado River. Our Swayer filters did just fine. Once up past Dewey we found water in Waring Canyon ( I think that's what it was called). It appeared dry as we crossed it up about 200 ft up the creek there was moving water. That held us over to Hideout. Which we got a hook up from a supported crew. We did see that there were two small creeks running a bit just past Hideout CG. But it was nice not having to work for it. After that the usual spots were just fine. There were even a few drainages running along Jimmy Keen but the cows seems to enjoy that area too. Overall a great trip. Heading down Porcupine sure was rough after the work that it took to get to that point. And SAR was attempting to haul someone out which was a good reminder how easily things can go wrong. Oh and we only saw about a dozen other riders the whole trip. Kinda crazy for the time of year.
Fully Packed Adventure Ministries
Topic Name: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #5
on: May 30, 2016, 09:07:12 AM
Posts: 327
Re: Kokopelli Trail Water options May 2016
Reply #5 on:
May 30, 2016, 09:07:12 AM »
Thanks for that summary, and congrats on bagging it self supported
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