Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 1
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:45:57 PM » |
Howdy guys,
Let's cover ze basics: I'm young (19) and relatively limited on funds. I've bikepacked before over a fair distance (800km) in Europe.
So, I loved my previous trip, which I came home from half a year ago, and am really hoping I can get back soon. The way I was spending my money seemed to be pretty sustainable, and I believe I could've continued my trip for several more months at least. My issue was.. unique for sure. haha. I had too much of a good time, in a way. Anyway, I'm planning a trip from my hometown, Portland, Oregon, across the US, then across the sea via boat to Europe. Then hopefully my funds will endure across Europe and Asia and back around to Amurica! I found most everything in the realm of bikepacking relatively easy to figure out, save a few things.
- When in Bivy sack, how do you ward off animals? Mice, dogs, bears, etc. I had a couple hairy encounters with dogs while on bike, but luckily never met with one while sleeping. I found my cable lock, spun in a fast windmilly fashion kept the dogs at bay. Though they still bit at my pack
- What kinds of foods are truly healthy and cheap? I enjoyed fruits, breads, nuts, and cheeses mostly, but couldn't think of much else that would be cheap with little to no prep.
- What do you guys use for waterproofing maps? I never found anything that was cheap and easy to use.
- And how do you guys battle loneliness when it strikes you in your tent, or somewhere you don't speak the language?
That's about it, but I'm sure any spare tips you have would be helpful!
Thanks everybody!
May there always be tailwinds, Trevor John Leake