How about a thread on how to prepare for a bicycle trip to South America?
Maybe we could come up with a few tips, like, where to get good maps of Peru. What airline to fly. Where the best festivals are.
If you live on the west coast it could be a lot cheaper to walk across the border, and fly Interjet out of Tijuana. They fly to Bogota and Lima. Out of Miami, Spirit Air might fly for less, but check their baggage price oh so carefully before you buy.
There are a couple of routes on line, if you like to follow a line on a phone. How do you get a
good map to plan your own route.
What do the bike shops look like, what kind of parts do they have? What about safety? Are there places to go and places to avoid?
I read about a string of 14ers in Colorado.
Peru has a string of 19ers.
What about Selva, the jungle?
Anybody like to ride in the Jungle, up for a boat ride down the Amazon river?
There are plenty of questions and things to consider. is the lbs in Juaja Peru