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  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #340 on: May 01, 2012, 04:23:49 PM

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« Reply #340 on: May 01, 2012, 04:23:49 PM »

Okay Racers it's Q&A time.  I only have 350+ days until the start of next years race.  Gotta get a jump on things now.

Hard Tail or Full Suspension?
Tires of choice?
26 or 29er?
Shelter of choice? (if any)
Light source?
(750 racers) How did you pack your bike through the ditch?

At the end of the day each of these “choices” involves compromise.

IE: there are large plus and minus’s to each, so who is to say what is “best”—just not possible as we all have different strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes etc etc.

IMO, the most important selections involve what makes you most comfortable at your contact points for the entire race, not just certain sections.  You might consider starting with your feet, bottom, hands, shoulders (and eyes)—nail your clothing, pack and riding position above all else.  Contact point management is independent of the type bike and much more important in the long haul.  Also consider exposed skin vs sharp vegetation and sun.  I used arm coolers and Never used sun cream on my barely scratched arms. I used leg coolers ($ 23) and had clean, mostly unscratched legs  till the left one finally ripped on the Highline. I used dust/scree gaiters and Never had to stop and dump out a pebble from my shoes and had mostly clean socks/feet at the end of every day.

Think about how you want to deal with sleep mixed with rain—this will pretty much dictate your final sleep gear selections.  For “nice” conditions all that’s really needed is a nice down bag and a ground cloth and perhaps a optional pad. Add a nice tarp and you are set for the rain if you are willing to take the set up time.  Or go simple bivy/bag—quick & easy set-up tear down—see its always a series of choice/comprise with no one best solution

As far as hiking the big ditch here I failed badly in my pre-race prep and wound up re-strapping/configuring my load over, over and over.  Other than not being fully trained in body, this was my single biggest failure were I had real control and could have prevented.  This failure cost me an efficient rim to rim through shot and forced me to rest and reload at Cottonwood CG. So I would recommend you experiment with the goal of achieving a Stable-Narrow load that’s positioned as High as possible.  

best of luck, it's a great feeling to get this one done

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #341 on: May 01, 2012, 04:26:22 PM

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« Reply #341 on: May 01, 2012, 04:26:22 PM »


You killed it!  headbang

HUGE congrats on a great push at the end as I was fading.

Kudos, kudos, kudos...I hope to meet you in person one day!

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #342 on: May 01, 2012, 05:25:03 PM

Location: Tucson, AZ
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« Reply #342 on: May 01, 2012, 05:25:03 PM »

Nice write up Jill looking forward to part two. I'll be interested in hearing your take on the Highline.

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #343 on: May 01, 2012, 09:07:26 PM

Location: Carbondale, CO
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« Reply #343 on: May 01, 2012, 09:07:26 PM »


Great points in your response.  I did but didn't think about contact points.  They are very important.  My background is a lot of XC and CX racing and two out of the three hikes in the Triple Crown.  I'm now looking to combine those two loves.  Hiking taught  me all about compromise.  The lighter you go the more you give up in comfort and have to compromise.  I will definitely bring what I learned to bike packing.
Never thought about gaiters and I wear them religiously when hiking.  The PCT taught me the benefits of covering up for sure but I was always still so dirty. ha!


  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #344 on: May 02, 2012, 01:14:52 AM

Location: Australia
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« Reply #344 on: May 02, 2012, 01:14:52 AM »

What did everyone do for footwear on the hike? I'm assuming a switch to trail shoes via a postal drop in a similar way to those like Jill who also changed out their backpacks?

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #345 on: May 02, 2012, 02:29:05 PM

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« Reply #345 on: May 02, 2012, 02:29:05 PM »

Update on the "King Of Pain". The 750 worked my feet over something fierce. I destroyed them on the Highline Trail as I pushed so hard to catch Marshal and Jill I rode with only 3 hours sleep after hard push to finish 300 and got lost at Pine Spring in the dark and got my feet covered in mud after the first 3 miles of Highline trashed them. Super stupid. Then beat on them even more to Flagstaff riding/walking in 20/34 gear after derailleur failure on mile 14 or on Highline. It is 77 hours after my finish and both feet are numb and the Edema returns unless I use ample amounts of Geronimo! Pain Cream and essential oils and epsom salt soak them and keep them raised. I hope trying to just finish did no permanent damage. When Arno passed me I knew this was probably going to be the result based on my condition at the time but I guess I just thought I would recover no matter what I did to my feet. They even seemed to be healed yesterday morning but now are all jacked up and back to how bad they were 12 hours after race.

To answer Pi11 Wizard the canyon in sandals was not bad at all. My turf toe and foot pain from Highline disaster was not really an issue. I would say trail running shoes would be the best choice. My plan for next year is flat pedals and Nike trail runners the whole way (as for 2012 CTR- I did that in 2010 and the feet loved it on HAB sections). I dont think my feet will ever wear bike shoes again.


Divide Bike Bags

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #346 on: May 02, 2012, 04:00:04 PM

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« Reply #346 on: May 02, 2012, 04:00:04 PM »

My plan for next year is (...)


You are a true hard man.  Not that there is any doubt after 2 of these, but to even think of a 3rd while your feet must remain elevated and bathed in Epsom salt...

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #347 on: May 02, 2012, 04:29:20 PM

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« Reply #347 on: May 02, 2012, 04:29:20 PM »


You are a true hard man.  Not that there is any doubt after 2 of these, but to even think of a 3rd while your feet must remain elevated and bathed in Epsom salt...

To me, the average mountain biker, the AZT 750 and CTR are like the Olympics of our sport. I am going to return in 2013, mainly because I  just am addicted to AZT. I guess if I had a real endurance racing background I might feel some other way about it, but from my perspective and ability level these races rule. Total test of limits, physical and mental and spiritual and whatever.

Divide Bike Bags

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #348 on: May 02, 2012, 07:09:23 PM

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« Reply #348 on: May 02, 2012, 07:09:23 PM »

My Foot System
(this such a individual thing but here is my take)

I used Mavic Pulse shoes with Specialized medium arch inserts. 

My shoe criteria was:
1) Semi-stiff sole to reduce hot spots from prolonged standing. (I suffer from accumulated compression induced nerve damage/hot spots from prior multi-days done with the wrong foot system)
2) Maximum ‘pedal to sole’ contact area to reduce hot spots from prolonged standing
3) Walk-ability with excellent traction (Pulse’s gripy sole compound has best grip bar none on rocks of any cycling shoe I have used)
4) Easy on/off with lots of adjustability for swollen feet and chinch down-ability for hike a bike sections (Pulse used a basic robust 3 velcro strap system)
5) Light (and inexpensive)

My Sock(s):
1 Pair of semi-thick Smart-wool cycling socks (wore these all but 1 day, washed out 2 times--hotel in AJ and Jacob Lake)
1 Pair of thin Smart-wool cycling socks for sleeping (dry socks = warm sleep)
1 Pair of drug store knee length compression socks (used them on some nights for recovery and once as a extra layer on day two in the snow/rain/mud)

Dust/Scree Gaiters:
These were essential to keeping my socks (and feet) clean, eliminating dust/dirt rub/friction etc etc.  Only in the brushiest conditions—Highline—did they twist and occasionally need to be re-positioned.  I was very pleased with their effectiveness!! Should be mandatory AZT 750 gear IMO (hint hint to future racers)

The only weak spot of the Pulse vs a more hiking oriented cycling shoe is the thin material in the toe box and along the sides.  The thin material does not provide much protection to stubbing your toes and standing in sharp rocks that press against the sides of your feet.  Other than this, their “walkability” is as good or better than hiking/cycling shoes.

The Highline section tested the walkability limits, due to the above mentioned weaknesses, of these shoes but with careful & methodical foot placement they passed this test, if barley.

The Grand Canyon with its groomed trails was easy pie for these shoes.  I did remove the cleats on the south rim and reinstalled them on the north rim to improve their walkabilty slightly.

My feet did suffer some from hot spots.  By the end of each day, starting around Payson, I would feel the dreaded compression induced hot spots.  Each night I massaged my feet for a few min with Geronimo pain cream [more on Geronimo Pin Cream later] (  and they would be good till about 2-3 pm the next day.  I stubbed one toe on the left foot during the Highline (I expect that toenail to eventually fall off) and “lifted” the thick calluse on my big right toe (I just wrapped it with a strip of Kinsio tape to keep it in place for the duration, but expect it to will eventual fall off) 

All in all my feet, while a bit battered, could have easily continued for many more days so I am very satisfied with the gaiter/sock/shoe/maintenance foot system I used.


  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #349 on: May 02, 2012, 09:30:00 PM

Location: Denver, CO
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« Reply #349 on: May 02, 2012, 09:30:00 PM »

In case you're bored. Here's my story:

-Les Handy

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #350 on: May 02, 2012, 09:58:29 PM

Location: Denver, CO
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« Reply #350 on: May 02, 2012, 09:58:29 PM »

I had the pleasure of seeing TWO racers finish the AZT750 last Friday.  Amazing accomplishment by both Jill Hueckman and Arno Minner.  What an honor to be present for your big finish!  If anyone has Arno Minner's email could you please forward to me and make sure he sees this post.

-Les Handy

Pic 1:  I was napping in the bed of my truck when I heard the tail tail click of a coasting bike.  I popped out and saw Arno's bike.  Note: Full Ridgid, Singlespeed, Plateform Pedals.  Arno is a stud!

Pic 2:  Arno looking fresh, lean and strong!!!

Pic 3:  Liquid Gold! A smile only a bikepacker can understand.

Pic 4:  Two amazing AZT750 finishers!!  Jill Hueckman and Arno Minner are now official!

* P1100493.jpg (205.6 KB, 1280x716 - viewed 722 times.)

* P1100499.jpg (252.82 KB, 1280x960 - viewed 455 times.)

* P1100505.jpg (293.48 KB, 960x1280 - viewed 444 times.)

* P1100725.jpg (250.45 KB, 1280x960 - viewed 445 times.)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 10:02:00 PM by spoke537 » Logged

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #351 on: May 03, 2012, 08:30:10 AM


Location: Hell Mirage, AZ
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« Reply #351 on: May 03, 2012, 08:30:10 AM »

How many SS have finished the 750.  Is Arno the first?

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #352 on: May 03, 2012, 09:07:50 AM

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« Reply #352 on: May 03, 2012, 09:07:50 AM »

Arno is the first SS and that is pretty pimp IMO. He was riding strong as he passed me at the end of Babbit Ranch on the sandy ST. A nice guy he even tried to hold up a little to ride with me but I was having flat issues and pumping a tire every 10 min. and really couldnt hang with him even without the flat situation.

To add to what Marshal says above I used Pearl Izumi X-Alps Seek shoes. Very nice feel, no hot spots. But for me here is the deal. Wide Feet. Frodo feet. The widest feet like ever. When they get even a little swollen I have no room in the shoe. I even wore size 11 in Pearl Izumi and that did not hold my fat feet (usually size 10). I am paying right now for all the extra walking/pushing I did from Mogollon to Flag. I may even have some arch issues.

Cycling shoes are just too narrow for me in these events I guess. I have to run EE wide in trail runners or they feel narrow. My feet are even swollen long ways- so I cant even fit into a size 10 running shoe at the moment. The ends of my toes are loonnnggg right now. The Edema is almost gone but the numbness is from my calf all the way down the leg.

This is the first time I have had such issues after an event. Trying to speed walk 4+ miles an hour on flat roads killed my heel at the time but I never thought it could damage my feet this way.

Edit- Today I am trying on Leila's advice some Birch, Marjoram and Cypress Essential Oils on my feet. In addition to what I am already doing. It is feeling a bit better. Yeah!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 10:41:57 AM by dream4est » Logged

Divide Bike Bags

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #353 on: May 03, 2012, 09:40:46 PM

Location: Bend, OR
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« Reply #353 on: May 03, 2012, 09:40:46 PM »

I had the pleasure of seeing TWO racers finish the AZT750 last Friday.  Amazing accomplishment by both Jill Hueckman and Arno Minner.  What an honor to be present for your big finish!  If anyone has Arno Minner's email could you please forward to me and make sure he sees this post.


I totally dig the Wil E. Coyote sketch on Arno's frame bag!  Nice touch!

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #354 on: May 04, 2012, 08:04:15 AM

Location: Gelnhausen, Germany
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« Reply #354 on: May 04, 2012, 08:04:15 AM »

Wow! single speed and rigid on a course like the AZT! You rock dude!  headbang And to everybody else for tackling that monster! You all are awesome!


  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #355 on: May 04, 2012, 08:36:22 PM

Location: Tucson, AZ
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« Reply #355 on: May 04, 2012, 08:36:22 PM »

Just finished part two of Jill's blog, great write up. I can definitely relate to the feeling of accomplishment after topping out on the Mogollon Rim.

Scott and I have discussed the Highline, and seeing as everyone who started into did finish it it'll likely stay on course for the foreseeable future. Now if there comes a time where it starts killing the field that might justify changing the course. Hopefully there will be more work done on it in the future and maybe at some point it won't be so bad. 

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #356 on: May 10, 2012, 09:46:19 PM

Location: Yuma, AZ
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« Reply #356 on: May 10, 2012, 09:46:19 PM »

I just wanted to first off say Congrats to Jill! Awesome accomplishment and amazing write up! I love the part when you were talking about dropping "F-bombs" in the middle of nowhere. I had a moment like that after I ran out of water and went over the bars in the last few miles before Picketpost. Thanks for all your guys' advice and thanks for the company as well Mark C.

I can't wait for next year! The 300 was amazing and I'm hungry for more. I think I will be bringing a few more guys from Yuma as well! I really want the Full Meal Deal!

I have one quick question for any of the finishers or Scott or Tim. What was the total elevation gain for the 750?

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #357 on: May 10, 2012, 09:48:39 PM

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« Reply #357 on: May 10, 2012, 09:48:39 PM »

One other thing... I would really like to start a new topic about prepping for next year's race. I really want to know all about the gear you guys brought, the gear you wish you would've left, as well as the gear you should've brought. I would really like to know some lessons learned from the 750 finishers. Thanks guys!

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #358 on: May 14, 2012, 08:59:50 AM
Chad B

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« Reply #358 on: May 14, 2012, 08:59:50 AM »

Finally got around to posting this up. Aaron B on the South Rim.

  Topic Name: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread Reply #359 on: May 14, 2012, 12:24:04 PM

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« Reply #359 on: May 14, 2012, 12:24:04 PM »

Anyone know the total elevation gain for 750?
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