Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #380 on: March 24, 2016, 04:59:26 PM
Posts: 186
« Reply #380 on: March 24, 2016, 04:59:26 PM » |
Hi Everyone, I'm a rookie from NJ. Let me first thanks all the people that have answered questions on these thread (I read all 19 pages  . I do have a couple of questions on Navigation that I didn't find in this thread (if there are in another one on the board, please let me know). Garmin 24K Topo maps (North Central & South West): Is anyone using these? Can they be handy? They are pretty expensive ($130 each) but being a rookie with no navigation skills basically I thought these should help in case I get lost. Another option would be to but the "t" version of the eTrex that comes with the 100K Topo maps for all US for $50 more than the bare bones version. Any thoughts? Is this the right set of ACA maps to buy? ->, how big is the GPS file that we will have to upload in our GPS? The one I downloaded (I think it's last years) is only 1.9 Mb. Are we talking of Mb or Gb? I want to know because I want to see if I can upload it to a Garmin watch (910XT) as a GPS backup. Thank you in advance! No real need to take topo maps. The ACA maps are ok for getting 'unlost'  Tip of the day is to show only the route line on your GPS blank background, no underlay of any maps. Makes route following much easier than looking through all the topo 'clutter'. When you are real tired and your mind resembles the power bar that you just ran over, you need clarity. Make double darn sure that you download the '10k' version of the route, as the larger one will not work past about 20 miles out of Butte, when the route line suddenly goes blank. Ask me how I know! Fortunately had both versions, (Some recent GPS will work with the larger route version, I had a Garmin Oregon 450). I did one trip with, and 2015 without, maps as underlays, and will never go back. You really can't get too lost, as all roads go somewhere! Good luck
And once the Race is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure whether the Race is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the Race, you won't be the same person who rode in. That's what the Race is all about.
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #381 on: March 24, 2016, 06:14:50 PM
Location: Tucson
Posts: 118
« Reply #381 on: March 24, 2016, 06:14:50 PM » |
No real need to take topo maps. The ACA maps are ok for getting 'unlost'  Tip of the day is to show only the route line on your GPS blank background, no underlay of any maps. Makes route following much easier than looking through all the topo 'clutter'. When you are real tired and your mind resembles the power bar that you just ran over, you need clarity. Make double darn sure that you download the '10k' version of the route, as the larger one will not work past about 20 miles out of Butte, when the route line suddenly goes blank. Ask me how I know! Fortunately had both versions, (Some recent GPS will work with the larger route version, I had a Garmin Oregon 450). I did one trip with, and 2015 without, maps as underlays, and will never go back. You really can't get too lost, as all roads go somewhere! Good luck there is a GDMBR basemap at: has a GDMBR-basemap-v2.img file that is also useful openstreet maps is also a good source for a free background map ( I copied this from sfuller's post in TD2015 prep ) === If you want free streetmaps for the Etrex, you can look at something called Open Street Maps (OSM). I've downloaded one of the pre-compiled versions and put it on my Dakota 20 and it works fine. This is streets/roads/towns only, and not topographical maps. I've zoomed down in and the fire roads that I road on the North half of the Montana portion of the GDMBR are all on there. General info is at - site I downloaded my copy of the maps from is at -
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #382 on: March 25, 2016, 07:24:42 AM
Location: Superior, CO
Posts: 43
« Reply #382 on: March 25, 2016, 07:24:42 AM » |
Thank you Gary. I downloaded base maps of all the states we're going to go through (hopefully  ). I still don't know if I'll use them (Flinch recommended to just have the course displaying on the GPS) but it wouldn't hurt to have them in the GPS in case of need.
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #383 on: March 25, 2016, 07:36:57 AM
Location: Superior, CO
Posts: 43
« Reply #383 on: March 25, 2016, 07:36:57 AM » |
Thank you for the tip Flinch! Do you (or anyone else) have any idea if the eTrex 35 from Garmin takes the full detailed map of the route? It has 8GB of memory for maps but I'm not sure if it's that memory what's limiting some GPSs to display the full map. BTW, is there a meaningful difference between the two versions of the maps? No real need to take topo maps. The ACA maps are ok for getting 'unlost'  Tip of the day is to show only the route line on your GPS blank background, no underlay of any maps. Makes route following much easier than looking through all the topo 'clutter'. When you are real tired and your mind resembles the power bar that you just ran over, you need clarity. Make double darn sure that you download the '10k' version of the route, as the larger one will not work past about 20 miles out of Butte, when the route line suddenly goes blank. Ask me how I know! Fortunately had both versions, (Some recent GPS will work with the larger route version, I had a Garmin Oregon 450). I did one trip with, and 2015 without, maps as underlays, and will never go back. You really can't get too lost, as all roads go somewhere! Good luck
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #384 on: March 25, 2016, 07:40:19 AM
Location: Superior, CO
Posts: 43
« Reply #384 on: March 25, 2016, 07:40:19 AM » |
Thank you MikeI. I'll check out those resources. I'm guessing I can have those maps downloaded into my GPS but not active while I'm using it (just as backup to help me find stores and things like that maybe). there is a GDMBR basemap at: has a GDMBR-basemap-v2.img file that is also useful openstreet maps is also a good source for a free background map ( I copied this from sfuller's post in TD2015 prep ) === If you want free streetmaps for the Etrex, you can look at something called Open Street Maps (OSM). I've downloaded one of the pre-compiled versions and put it on my Dakota 20 and it works fine. This is streets/roads/towns only, and not topographical maps. I've zoomed down in and the fire roads that I road on the North half of the Montana portion of the GDMBR are all on there. General info is at - site I downloaded my copy of the maps from is at -
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #385 on: March 25, 2016, 10:59:53 AM
Location: Bend, OR
Posts: 51
« Reply #385 on: March 25, 2016, 10:59:53 AM » |
Pampa, There is the gpx track the line everyone talks about following, of which there are two versions, then there is a base map these are two different things. Your garmin like most other current models will load a track with 10k track points, so you would use this file TourDivide2015_v2_10k.gpx This file has enough resolution to navigate the route. If you try to load the other it will only load the first 10k points and show nothing else. The large file is only necessary if you want to do detailed mapping on your computer. This file GDMBR-basemap-v2.img is the base map and there are not different resolutions. Your garmin will have no problem with this. You can turn it on and off if you like to run like Flinch suggests. Remember to check for a new version of the track just before the start of the event as the route may get updated.Thank you for the tip Flinch! Do you (or anyone else) have any idea if the eTrex 35 from Garmin takes the full detailed map of the route? It has 8GB of memory for maps but I'm not sure if it's that memory what's limiting some GPSs to display the full map. BTW, is there a meaningful difference between the two versions of the maps?
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #386 on: March 26, 2016, 03:34:08 PM
Posts: 252
« Reply #386 on: March 26, 2016, 03:34:08 PM » |
1. Spot tracker ... where do we get one and how do we get "registered" to be on the tracker. 2. What about letters of intent? Who do we send them to this year and is there some kind of "official list."
Spot - will be available for rent at (likely) the Y before the start. Arranged by Scott Morris of Topofusion and Trackleaders. ( Spot tracking - a tracking page gets set up about a week before the start - register there via Trackleaders. Or sort it out at the Y in Banff if you are renting one. Letters of Intent: Send to: tourdivide@gmail.comDon't worry if you get no confirmation - it's an underground bike race! Some get confirmations, some don't. During May 2016 check with Matt that you are on his list - it's important as those on the list are the riders who will get sent emails for updates to last minute route changes, fire detours, etc etc. Official List: There is none. There is an unofficial list of many of the starters here: Data Entry Form: bike and setup look great. See you in Banff!!!!
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #387 on: March 27, 2016, 06:21:27 AM
Payton MacDonald
Posts: 117
« Reply #387 on: March 27, 2016, 06:21:27 AM » |
Pampa, I sent you a PM. I'm also in NJ. Let's maybe get out for a ride if possible! Thank you MikeI. I'll check out those resources. I'm guessing I can have those maps downloaded into my GPS but not active while I'm using it (just as backup to help me find stores and things like that maybe).
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #388 on: March 27, 2016, 07:53:34 PM
Location: Superior, CO
Posts: 43
« Reply #388 on: March 27, 2016, 07:53:34 PM » |
Great! I just sent you an email. Pampa, I sent you a PM. I'm also in NJ. Let's maybe get out for a ride if possible!
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #389 on: March 27, 2016, 08:18:46 PM
Location: Queens, NY, Earth
Posts: 11
« Reply #389 on: March 27, 2016, 08:18:46 PM » |
Pampa, I sent you a PM. I'm also in NJ. Let's maybe get out for a ride if possible!
Great! I just sent you an email.
Hey guys, I'm in NYC, maybe I can get in on that riding action? Also, anyone else flying in on the 7th of June?
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #390 on: March 28, 2016, 03:51:20 AM
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #391 on: March 29, 2016, 06:11:22 PM
Location: Superior, CO
Posts: 43
« Reply #391 on: March 29, 2016, 06:11:22 PM » |
Hey Bodacious, Sure! I haven't put together my yet though  I just decided to do this a week ago and I'm the process of converting a Niner Air 9 Carbon from SS to gears. Using my fatbike to ride in the meantime. How about you? Have you been riding/preparing? I'll be traveling on the 6th (Newark to Calgary). Segundo Hey guys, I'm in NYC, maybe I can get in on that riding action?
Also, anyone else flying in on the 7th of June?
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #392 on: March 29, 2016, 06:38:56 PM
Location: Superior, CO
Posts: 43
« Reply #392 on: March 29, 2016, 06:38:56 PM » |
Hi All,
Is anyone planning to use a Garmin Edge 1000 Explorer (or another Edge) as his/her main GPS? Any thoughts on using an Edge vs. an eTrex (which looks like the popular option)?
Thanks, Segundo
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #393 on: March 29, 2016, 08:08:53 PM
Posts: 8
« Reply #393 on: March 29, 2016, 08:08:53 PM » |
Hi All,
Is anyone planning to use a Garmin Edge 1000 Explorer (or another Edge) as his/her main GPS? Any thoughts on using an Edge vs. an eTrex (which looks like the popular option)?
Thanks, Segundo
I have and Edge device but the battery won't last long enough I don't think. Not without a generator hub that I don't want to bother with the added complexity. I am going to use my GPSMap 64s as it runs on AA that I can swap out. Doesn't look much different than eTrex. I already have the GPSMap device so I won't bother buying an eTrex.
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #394 on: March 30, 2016, 03:28:39 AM
Posts: 252
« Reply #394 on: March 30, 2016, 03:28:39 AM » |
I'm using an Edge 800 or 810 with dynamo hub.
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #395 on: March 30, 2016, 03:45:04 AM
Location: Chamonix
Posts: 29
« Reply #395 on: March 30, 2016, 03:45:04 AM » |
I've got an Edge 800 which has become unstable - it crashes a fair bit and has had to be reset a couple of times. I think this may have been caused by running it off the dynamo/usb setup without a buffer battery.
I'm considering upgrading to an Edge 1000. If I do this I will always use a buffer battery and will also carry an AA powered USB battery bank in case my dynamo setup breaks down.
The simplicity of the Etrex does appeal, but I don't really like the idea of leaving a trail of used disposable batteries in my wake.
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #396 on: March 30, 2016, 03:56:20 AM
Location: Hebden Bridge, UK
Posts: 154
« Reply #396 on: March 30, 2016, 03:56:20 AM » |
You wouldn't be the only person Tom. I know of a few other 800's that have been turned into bricks.
eTrex - rechargeable batteries - dyno to buffer battery. Has worked fine for quite a while now.
Rides bikes, pulls skids...badly. ~ HTR 2013 TDR '16 Baby '17 TDR '18
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #397 on: March 30, 2016, 12:08:33 PM
Posts: 4
« Reply #397 on: March 30, 2016, 12:08:33 PM » |
I used an Edge 1000 on the 3000 km Tour Aotearoa earlier this year. Charged it from a big USB battery pack in the gas tank when conditions permitted (smooth & dry trail), so no problem doing multiple long days. It drew water and died during a day long downpour (not pluged in!). A few days later it miraculously recovered, but the SD card reader was gone for good - and the NZ map on the card with it. At least I had a red line to follow again.
I was using an iPhone 6 as backup GPS in the meantime, worked well but is severly limited in the wet (display, charging port).
For the TD I will use the Edge 1000 again, nevertheless. Maybe put it away when it pours. And I will bring a dedicated backup device, like an Edge 25, 520 or the new Wahoo thingy. The weight penalty seems worth it.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #398 on: March 30, 2016, 06:41:49 PM
Location: Superior, CO
Posts: 43
« Reply #398 on: March 30, 2016, 06:41:49 PM » |
Mmm. I've been looking at the battery life on both, it's supposed to be 16 hrs for the eTrex and 15 for the Edge 1000. I'm on the same boat regarding not running a dynamo b/c of the complexity (as a rookie w/ little time to prepare I have my plate full already!). However, I was thinking about carrying a solar panel and a USB charger to power the Edge. What I'm not sure is if I can use it while it's charging (I know I can do that with the Garmin Fenix 3). I have and Edge device but the battery won't last long enough I don't think. Not without a generator hub that I don't want to bother with the added complexity. I am going to use my GPSMap 64s as it runs on AA that I can swap out. Doesn't look much different than eTrex. I already have the GPSMap device so I won't bother buying an eTrex.
Topic Name: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation
Reply #399 on: March 30, 2016, 08:50:38 PM
Location: Tucson
Posts: 118
« Reply #399 on: March 30, 2016, 08:50:38 PM » |
Mmm. I've been looking at the battery life on both, it's supposed to be 16 hrs for the eTrex and 15 for the Edge 1000. I'm on the same boat regarding not running a dynamo b/c of the complexity (as a rookie w/ little time to prepare I have my plate full already!). However, I was thinking about carrying a solar panel and a USB charger to power the Edge. What I'm not sure is if I can use it while it's charging (I know I can do that with the Garmin Fenix 3).
the etrex 30 runs a lot longer than 16 hours on a fresh battery set ( I use the Lithium Ultimates and set the software switch to Lithium vs Alkaline ) ... I think I only changed batteries maybe 3 times, so carrying a few extra wasn't too hard. You can run the etrex 30 with one of those USB rechargable battery packs, but it's just one more thing to drag along, and I have personally picked up from trails, two solar panels that fell off someone's rig .. ( so mounting is maybe easier said than done :-)