Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #340 on: April 03, 2018, 06:58:55 AM
Location: Tucson, AZ
Posts: 1732
« Reply #340 on: April 03, 2018, 06:58:55 AM » |
Hey all. Wondering if anyone wants to meet up for dinner tomorrow (Tuesday 4/3). I’m in Tucson acclimating (read waiting for my bike and eating Mexican food) and thought it might be cool to get a group together for a pre-race kickoff. I’m not familiar with Tucson eateries so hopefully a local can suggest something otherwise I’ll just end up where I ate tonight or someplace I find via Google. Let me know here or via DM if you are interested.
It's taco Tuesday at the street tacos and beer company downtown.
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #341 on: April 03, 2018, 07:44:54 AM
Location: Casper, Wy
Posts: 21
« Reply #341 on: April 03, 2018, 07:44:54 AM » |
If you were unable to register before the ride filled up, if you are a slower rider consider starting the day before the grand depart, and if you are a fast rider, maybe start the day after. Your friends and family will still be able to follow you online, you will still meet lots of other riders and your finish time will still appear in the results.
Great advice, AZTR is such a great "ride" ;-) and I hope it continues for many years to come. I think about it almost daily since I've done the 300 in 2016, one of the best parts was meeting fellow riders and getting to know them. If you don't understand the rules do some research or ask, if you don't want understand the rules, just go ride the AZT and don't be part of this "group ride" so it's not ruined for everyone else who loves this trail and event. I think doing research, preparing and the stress of it is almost as fun as the race. Thanks Scott for what you've done for the bikepacking community, giving us challenges, new friends and memories.
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #342 on: April 03, 2018, 10:50:35 AM
Location: Tucson, AZ
Posts: 1732
« Reply #342 on: April 03, 2018, 10:50:35 AM » |
And don't you all worry, Neil B will be getting to the start line!! I had the unfortunate re-aggravation of a pesky Achilles during a shakedown ride the other day, so I'm OUT for the 300. But, that gave me the chance to help another fella out. Go Neil!! See you all at PCL on Wednesday. Go get 'em!!
In short, Scott, you 'da man!!
John I will be at the border with Max tomorrow night headed to Paker TH Thursday morning hope to see you then.
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #343 on: April 03, 2018, 01:41:06 PM
Jeff Z
Posts: 62
« Reply #343 on: April 03, 2018, 01:41:06 PM » |
I sure hope that's not true!
It is not true. Chummer is just spouting frustrated nonsense since he/she couldn't get it together - like everyone else. The civil tone of the other folks who responded to chummer is a pretty good reflection of the type of people I've met while doing these events. These folks are super cool and very chill. I think Dave had it right, this event is not right for that person. Having arranged a few one day races, I have an idea how much work goes into it. AZTR is WAY more any of those and probably ten times the work. And the entry fee is still FREE. The opportunity to do a ride of this magnitude, and finish, is a big f'ing deal for an ordinary old guy like myself and, like many others, I'm grateful that Scott has gone through the effort to do this year after year. So, for those who are in, revel in this amazing opportunity. It is a hell of a ride.
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #344 on: April 03, 2018, 03:24:28 PM
Posts: 44
« Reply #344 on: April 03, 2018, 03:24:28 PM » |
I did the AZTR300 last year and had no issues with the rules. All pretty simple. Just you and your bike and what you can find. This levels the playing field for those than can't get support along the way.
The rules are in fact pretty simple. 1) Ride your bike from point A to point B following the designated track. 2) Your are responsible for yourself at all times so plan accordingly. 3) Riding off course to get supplies is acceptable and required, but you must never short cut the course in the process. 4) Be courteous and supportive of all those around you be them hikers, racers, day riders, etc 5) While is some what of a race it mostly a challenge. 300 or 750 are not easy and will take good planning, mental strength and physical effort. Come prepared and know your limitations. 6) If you cheat or bend the rules you are only fooling yourself. The pride I get from this event is knowing I did it. No help, no support, just me, my bike and wits. There were good moments and bad moments, but I survived it all.
Now I can't make the event this year, but next year (2019) I probably will be in for at least the 300. Maybe the 750 if I can get the time off.
In 2017 I never saw any rider one violate the rules nor violate the spirit of the rules.
What I did see in 2017 was riders hooking up on course at various times. Sharing in the misery, the joy and encouraging each other along the way. That is part of the event an in my opinion something that makes it special.
Scott does a great job putting this together.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 03:33:05 PM by JoePAz »
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #345 on: April 03, 2018, 06:57:48 PM
Posts: 28
« Reply #345 on: April 03, 2018, 06:57:48 PM » |
A word from the trail The route is fracking amazing Thanks Scott for making the gps track Going through the land trust after queen valley was really cool but impossible without the gpx track Gpx track just autocorrected to god track which feels appropriate when your out there Folks along the way know the AZTr is coming ,I think they like the extra customers One last thing , Oracle ridge is great if you like to shred chunk and have a droppper post, actually I’ve been loving my dropper the whole way Cheers and have a great race
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #346 on: April 03, 2018, 08:17:14 PM
Posts: 99
« Reply #346 on: April 03, 2018, 08:17:14 PM » |
Putting the bike together I noticed cracks in the rear rim around the nipples something that Vaseline and bandaids won’t fix. I had a new wheel shipped over night to Roadrunner Cycles in Tucson. Elliot went above and beyond to get my bike going again. Im hugely indebted to him as he also sorted the bike out last year when a sidewall blew out while riding through Tucson to the start line. He is also easily persuaded to drink bear at Peublo Vida.
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #347 on: April 03, 2018, 08:53:04 PM
ScottM admin
Location: Wherever my rig is parked.
Posts: 2864
« Reply #347 on: April 03, 2018, 08:53:04 PM » |
A word from the trail The route is fracking amazing
Heck yeah, thanks for the mid-ITT update and stoke. Putting the bike together I noticed cracks in the rear rim around the nipples something that Vaseline and bandaids won’t fix. I had a new wheel shipped over night to Roadrunner Cycles in Tucson. Elliot went above and beyond to get my bike going again. Im hugely indebted to him as he also sorted the bike out last year when a sidewall blew out while riding through Tucson to the start line. He is also easily persuaded to drink bear at Peublo Vida.
Yeah Elliot! Definitely a great shop to hit up for any last minute needs.
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #348 on: April 03, 2018, 09:03:41 PM
Posts: 4
« Reply #348 on: April 03, 2018, 09:03:41 PM » |
I’ll take the bait.....
Maybe this is not the race for you. Everyone else has managed their prep, read the rules, researched what they needed to know, knew the registration dates and limits, more importantly, not lost the plot with a defamatory post accussing half the field of cheating
I don't remember seeing a registration deadline, rider limit(which I now see is 74), nor do I remember accusing anyone of cheating. There was people openly stating they were going to stash stuff for others/themselves, hence the further clarification needed by some....not quite understanding the rules. I understand it takes a lot of effort and time to pull this off, by everyone involved, and I'm guessing some people need more rules added in. My only suggestion was to make them with less 'grey area'.
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #349 on: April 04, 2018, 07:36:26 AM
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 88
« Reply #349 on: April 04, 2018, 07:36:26 AM » |
I don't remember seeing a registration deadline, rider limit(which I now see is 74)
well..... 1. Suspension is highly and strongly recommended, but not 100% necessary, either...
I just updated the race site with the suggested start date:
Thursday, April 5th, 2018
Looking at the replay last year, most people were over or to Redington by Saturday night, so a Thursday start should get the bulk of bikepackers through there before weekend craziness ensues.
Also new this year is a 75 rider limit. That's combined in the 300+750. 75 is the limit from the US Forest Service for non-commercial events, but beyond that, we want to keep the overall impact on the trail, other users and towns within reason.
The way this will be enforced is on the tracker -- only 75 pink/blue dot registrations will be accepted. After that, ITT will be the only option available, and it'll have be on a day other than Thursday April 5th. Tracking registration will open, as in years past, 1 month before start.
2. Registration is 2/3rds full. Roughly 25 spots left.
3. Part of the intent of the 74 person limit is to reduce the burden on the pubic caches. There is a very high likelihood of 15 or more scratches before Freeman, so hopefully no more than 50-60 riders reach it. What Kurt and others said about not relying completely on the caches (don't arrive dry!) or any water source is great advice, and we are relying on the honor system here, as with many other things with this race.
4. I just closed tracking registration for the Grand Depart. Event is full.
ITT option is still available, but ITT means a different day not a different start time on April 5th. Please, no ITTs on the same day as the group start.

Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #350 on: April 04, 2018, 10:57:07 AM
ScottM admin
Location: Wherever my rig is parked.
Posts: 2864
« Reply #350 on: April 04, 2018, 10:57:07 AM » |
Yeah, anyone who was paying attention or read the race site knew about the limit, and it didn't fill until 1.5 weeks out. That said, it is the first year for the limit, so it hasn't traveled by word of mouth so much, apparently, and didn't get onto the AZT Facebook pages, which if you pay attention to, I do not post to -- especially because there are two of them! In other news, Palisades spigot is ON. That's good news given the heat. It was a warm morning down here at Parker, and the trail is looking a little dry/dusty. A few ITTers are off today. It's past time to move on to the during-race discussion thread and call this the planning one. New Race discussion thread: everyone.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 11:06:37 AM by ScottM »
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #351 on: April 04, 2018, 11:16:03 AM
Location: Tucson, AZ
Posts: 1732
« Reply #351 on: April 04, 2018, 11:16:03 AM » |
I don't remember seeing a registration deadline, rider limit(which I now see is 74), nor do I remember accusing anyone of cheating. There was people openly stating they were going to stash stuff for others/themselves, hence the further clarification needed by some....not quite understanding the rules. I understand it takes a lot of effort and time to pull this off, by everyone involved, and I'm guessing some people need more rules added in. My only suggestion was to make them with less 'grey area'.
Chummer It's unfortunate that you took the hit this year, both in the non-event as well as here on the forum. It's also unfortunate that some spectators can't grasp the spirit of the non-event. That riders take from these coolers is on them. The simple rules are just that simple and unenforceable. No amount of grey area makes any difference across 300-750 miles. The days of showing up at the start with only six riders total, no sign ups, no tracker, no one caring, are over. You can't win the 300 just by finishing like I did back in 07. What you can do is show up at the border or Parker TH any day you choose. Having ridden the trail from border to state line, alone with no one watching on line, I have to question the motivation of anyone who has no interest in the trail out side of the non-event. 2004 wondering across the desert no GPS track Mexico to Utah with the highway from South Rim to North. 2006 with the original 800 mile AZTR track Mexico to Utah. 2007 1st place tie in the AZT300 4 days 15 hours 18 min the slowest winner ever. 2008-9 AZT 300 DNF 2010 6th place AZT 300 5 days 4 hours 26 min. I first met Scott after the 04 tour. It was great to meet someone else who thought that riding the AZT meant staying on the trail. I remember him telling me all he wanted to do, with the race, was generate interest in the trail and bikepacking. It's great to see all of the interest in the trail but please treat everyone you meet as if it were Dale Shewalter disclaimer I stole that line from Stefan Griebel on the Colorado trail he asked riders to treat everyone like the founder of the trail. My two shillingsworth Tim McCabe
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 11:41:19 AM by AZTtripper »
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #352 on: April 04, 2018, 05:39:06 PM
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 240
« Reply #352 on: April 04, 2018, 05:39:06 PM » |
Well, I've arrived in SV and the butterflies are growing! A huge thanks to Sun N Spoke here and Roadrunner Cycles on Broadway in Tucson for generously helping me with final preparations. Looking forward to meeting fellow 750 lunatics in the morning! Bring it on! 
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #353 on: April 05, 2018, 10:51:42 AM
Posts: 44
« Reply #353 on: April 05, 2018, 10:51:42 AM » |
Good Luck to at riders this year! Stay safe and have fun!
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #354 on: February 24, 2019, 02:24:16 PM
Posts: 13
« Reply #354 on: February 24, 2019, 02:24:16 PM » |
I use the Fenix-PD35 lights. They use the CR123 batteries and I get plenty of life out of those batteries. I run them on 2 with one on my helmet and 1 on the bar. I have the Fenix bar mount and I really recommend it.
how do you mount the Fenix in your helmet? Is there a mount adaptor or you just improvised? THanks, D
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #355 on: February 27, 2019, 06:17:04 AM
Location: Southern Utah
Posts: 288
« Reply #355 on: February 27, 2019, 06:17:04 AM » |
how do you mount the Fenix in your helmet? Is there a mount adaptor or you just improvised?
I’ve used the TwoFish Lockblock with pretty good success. Some people say it bugs them hitting the top of their head on the inside of the helmet. I’ve never had that problem. Here’s a link and I think amazon sells them as well. you might get more replies if you ask your question in the 2019 planning thread. 👍
« Last Edit: February 27, 2019, 06:33:23 AM by woody »
Topic Name: 2018 AZTR300/750 Planning Thread
Reply #356 on: February 27, 2019, 10:59:48 AM
Posts: 13
« Reply #356 on: February 27, 2019, 10:59:48 AM » |
yeah I did crosspost in the 2019 after I realized this was the previous year's thread but yeah man thanks.