I use the SPOT GEOS Evac insurance. Been a while since I’ve looked at it and it may have changed, but I thought it covered up to 100 k evac and up to 10 k medical.
From the GEOS web site:
GEOS SAR is a prepaid private Search and Rescue membership program and is not an insurance plan, travel insurance policy nor a healthcare plan and, therefore, GEOS will not reimburse members for expenses they incur on their own.
For additional necessary and reasonable search and rescue (SAR) expenses (including helicopter with prior approval from the GEOS IERCC), up to US$100,000 per subscriber in any 12 month period with a limit of US$50,000 for any one claim by a member who summons emergency (911/SOS) assistance as a result of an accident or other life threatening circumstance by activating their GEOS-approved device. See Note below.
This entitlement extends for a period not exceeding 72 hours from the time of the call for assistance, which is necessary to prevent further injury or illness or danger to human life as a result of an unforeseeable emergency where the appropriate rescue authorities recommend the dispatch of a Search and Rescue team, and such dispatch is further authorised and provided through the GEOS International Emergency Response Coordination Center (IERCC).
The GEOS SAR entitlement extends all countries of the World subject to the following excluded territories:
Excluded territories: -
- Afghanistan
- Chechnya
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Iraq
- Israel (West Bank, Gaza and the Occupied Territories only)
- Somalia
The entitlement will not apply in the following circumstances: -
- Circumstances which could have reasonably been anticipated at the date the trip began
e.g. forecast of adverse weather conditions
- Emergency caused by inadequate provision or training or competence needed to complete the planned trip
- Cost incurred due to a pre existing or chronic condition or mental disorder of the member including self-harm
or suicide attempt.
- Emergency caused by any natural climate disaster
- Any cost incurred to emergency arising from riots, civil unrest or conflict including civil wars or kidnaps or any
Biological, Nuclear or Chemical events
- Cost incurred by any member participating in any war or military action
- Costs arising from any illegal use of a weapon
- Accidents arising from sky diving or sky surfing
- Accidents arising from hang gliding or paragliding
- Where any accident, injury or illness arises from the use of drugs or alcohol
- Costs covered by any other insurance policy of your own or;
- For any incident caused by a third party where costs can be recovered from that third party
NOTE: The GEOS International Emergency Response Coordination Center (IERCC) will not refuse to call out additional emergency response services when advised by 'first responders' that such additional services will be necessary. In such cases where a Member activates their emergency (911/SOS) signal for an emergency and it later transpires that the additional rescue service was not required or covered by the terms and conditions of the Search and Rescue Benefit cover, the member will be liable for the whole cost.
PLEASE NOTE The member must first claim against their existing Medical Insurance. The GEOS Membership Search and Rescue entitlement is for any additional costs incurred or those costs not covered by existing medical cover.
All claims for reimbursement under the Members Search & Rescue Benefit are dealt with by our Underwriters
and their decision is final.
- Claims should be made direct through the GEOS Members web site which can be accessed using the user name and
password provided to you for access to the GEOS Members site
- All claims are dealt with by the GEOS Underwriters at Lloyd's
- To support claims the member must provide a signed 'Release' for the disclosure to GEOS by the medical aid provider
of all medical services, and treatment, provided in relation to the incident and full details of any other Insurance cover
Up to $100,000 of Search and Rescue Benefits