Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #180 on: March 04, 2016, 08:35:16 AM
Hi-Ho, Single-Speed, AWAY!
Location: Boulder, CO
Posts: 932
« Reply #180 on: March 04, 2016, 08:35:16 AM » |
Getting nervous about getting all my gear together for a go! Fitness is getting there - or more likely: toughening up for all the abuse of doing the majority of the trail sight-unseen. I'm going at this as a hiking challenge, with some cycling in it, which suits me perfectly these days.
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #181 on: March 04, 2016, 08:43:41 AM
Yogi the Barry
Location: Land of Detachment
Posts: 482
« Reply #181 on: March 04, 2016, 08:43:41 AM » |
@ Long Ranger, Sorry for assuming the entire world is under Microsoft control. But maybe it is...  [Edited my post previous to yours]... -B I posted this earlier, but if you're like me without an OS that supports Topofusion, here's how to do it on a Mac, with the buggy software (BaseCamp) that comes with it, ...snip...
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #182 on: March 04, 2016, 08:48:10 AM
Hi-Ho, Single-Speed, AWAY!
Location: Boulder, CO
Posts: 932
« Reply #182 on: March 04, 2016, 08:48:10 AM » |
And also I guess I'd like to start a conversation on foodwear. There's some cheap PI X-Alp Drift III's and X-Alp Seek VI's that are currently available. Anyone have opinions on those? My initial idea though was to just do the race on flats, and where some low/no drop, minimal-ish trail runners. If I'm pushing the bike that long, it seems having comfortable footwear would be a plus. And you know, the Big Ditch.
My strengths are going to be grinding up hills and not being to annoyed at hike-a-biking; my downhill game needs serious retooling. I think my concern is that riding on flats w/trailrunners would do nothing but hurt my downhill fu.
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #183 on: March 04, 2016, 08:55:52 AM
Location: Bailey, CO
Posts: 476
« Reply #183 on: March 04, 2016, 08:55:52 AM » |
And also I guess I'd like to start a conversation on foodwear.
I'd like to start a conversation about foodwear, too! Got nothing bad to say about X-Alps for HAB
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #184 on: March 04, 2016, 09:21:27 AM
Hi-Ho, Single-Speed, AWAY!
Location: Boulder, CO
Posts: 932
« Reply #184 on: March 04, 2016, 09:21:27 AM » |
Got nothing bad to say about X-Alps for HAB
How well is the cleat protected? I'm unfortunately going to be running some brass cleats, if I go that route. I'll bring along an extra pair, but I may want to just take them out for big ditch.
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #185 on: March 04, 2016, 09:53:14 AM
Location: Bailey, CO
Posts: 476
« Reply #185 on: March 04, 2016, 09:53:14 AM » |
These are super worn down - but you get the idea. Pretty well protected. 
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #186 on: March 04, 2016, 02:07:46 PM
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 342
« Reply #186 on: March 04, 2016, 02:07:46 PM » |
how do you sign up for the track leaders race site? I can't find a link on the page, someone has already signed up
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #187 on: March 04, 2016, 03:06:02 PM
Location: Clark, CO
Posts: 215
« Reply #187 on: March 04, 2016, 03:06:02 PM » |
On the subject of corrupted tracks, it can happen. What I began doing after a scare on Tour Divide was to back up the track(s) I'll need for the race. So I'll put it on my memory card and on internal memory, 2 separate mediums. And rename the backup track with _Backup_ attached to both the file name and the track display name so as not to confuse the Garmin. That way if my memory card or internal memory fails or the track simply corrupts I can load up the backup and keep rolling. Works well for me.
Going that one more round, when you don't think you can. That's what makes all the difference in your life. --Rocky Balboa http://twelvemilesperhour.blogspot.comTDR 2014, AZTR750 2015, CTR 2015
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #188 on: March 04, 2016, 03:15:02 PM
Yogi the Barry
Location: Land of Detachment
Posts: 482
« Reply #188 on: March 04, 2016, 03:15:02 PM » |
Per the AZT website..."SPOT Tracking Each year the race is tracked by, providing a live map, elevation profile and other stats that can be used to follow along. Carrying a SPOT and being tracked by trackleaders is not mandatory but definitely encouraged. Tracking signup link: To come, one month before start date. " how do you sign up for the track leaders race site? I can't find a link on the page, someone has already signed up
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #189 on: March 04, 2016, 03:45:06 PM
Adam Alphabet
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 968
« Reply #189 on: March 04, 2016, 03:45:06 PM » |
Last year at mile 100 of the 300 my GPS (Dakota 20) stopped working, just froze and basically bricked. I tried reseting it numerous times, new batteries, I brought an extra SD card with the track, wouldn't load, nothing, no luck. So the next 200 miles were completed route finding and best guessing where I had to, following tire tracks especially in washes and riding with people when I could. I lost hours on the last night on a couple turns. Ironically the night before the race Scott and I were chatting about how it was a good idea to have the cues, which I did laminated in size 6 font but 'hopefully I wouldn't have to rely on them cause they're not great' or something along those lines hahah.
I got home and updated the firmware on my GPS, got a backup etrex 20 for a deal and had no issues on the CTR. Lesson learned.
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #190 on: March 04, 2016, 04:06:34 PM
Yogi the Barry
Location: Land of Detachment
Posts: 482
« Reply #190 on: March 04, 2016, 04:06:34 PM » |
Re: eTrex 20/30 Replacement Not that I'm going to go out and replace my 30 [unless it dies... am I now jinxed?], but I'm always keeping my eyes open for something which would run as long as a 20/30 does on 2 AAs. Seems like the eTrex has been with us for about 5 years now, which is pretty long for any planned obsolesce electronic device. Anybody else know of something better than the eTrex 10/20/30 family? BikeRadar did a bike GPS buyer's guide a few days ago and they didn't even mention the eTrex family. I also didn't notice anything better for bikepacking in their guide...
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #191 on: March 04, 2016, 04:31:02 PM
Location: Bailey, CO
Posts: 476
« Reply #191 on: March 04, 2016, 04:31:02 PM » |
Making me nervous with all this talk of backup GPS devices!
My eTrex came right off the Garmin bike mount that was on my stem a couple days ago - mid-ride. Just flew right off, and I never even noticed it go (pitfalls of jamming to tunes while riding). I got damn lucky and found it not more than half a mile back down the trail. I never quite clipped it fully into the mount.
I used to have a Delorme Earthmate GPS - and the thing never failed me for 10 years. Built to last - not so sure about this relatively new eTrex of mine.
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #192 on: March 04, 2016, 04:50:52 PM
Hi-Ho, Single-Speed, AWAY!
Location: Boulder, CO
Posts: 932
« Reply #192 on: March 04, 2016, 04:50:52 PM » |
Yeah, I've had problems with the mounts as of recently - bought a few new ones (they at least look legit) as I think my original one wore out. Same sorta problem of the device coming out. I gave myself the biggest bruise when I stopped quickly to retrieve a fallen eTrex: Guess my brakes seized up, or I had a bad patch of ice, but I was horizontal, sliding on a slurry of ice water, sand and snow for a good 30 feet in "downtown" Gold Hill. No one saw the accident, but I showed everyone that bruise!
No way would I ride the AZTR without a backup little dongle, or a piece of clear tape wrapped around the whole unit. Some high quality lithums in the unit should have the power last for a good long while.
Everything in that sucker is pretty solid state, so I would hope that corruption wouldn't be a problem, but I wouldn't rule it out (cosmic raaaaays!). I would almost think putting anything on the SD card would be more prone to problems than in the internal memory.
That's probably a good idea to remember: load the track in my phone as a backup. Cues too I guess. (*shutter*)
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #193 on: March 04, 2016, 04:58:39 PM
Hi-Ho, Single-Speed, AWAY!
Location: Boulder, CO
Posts: 932
« Reply #193 on: March 04, 2016, 04:58:39 PM » |
I'd also like to open up discussion for any soft goods that could help with the heat. I'm fare of skin, and get sunburned easily. I also get overheated easily as well and prefer the cold temps. The greatest challenge for me in the AZTR will be the heat, hands down. I'll push my bike through a million drainages for 9 days straight, but if I'm a little too hot, I'm a goner. Are there any clothing items you see as essential for us that are from Viking Blood? Should I go so far as to investigate special clothing that you would see in something like the badwater race in Death Valley? Or should I just make sure I pack a light button up western shirt (in lieu of a jersey), and call 'er good?
Also, you'll probably be able to notice me in the distance by the titanium dioxide that's smeared and running off my enormous nose.
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #194 on: March 04, 2016, 05:31:49 PM
Adam Alphabet
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 968
« Reply #194 on: March 04, 2016, 05:31:49 PM » |
I just run a lanyard type thing, I think it came with my Dakota 20, loop it around the bars and then that around the base of the GPS mount if that makes sense. My Garmin has popped off the mount a handful of times, didn't even notice, but there it was dangling by its lifeline. Just snap it back in place and keep going without skipping a beat... losing that sucker mid race and back tracking, no thanks.
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #195 on: March 04, 2016, 05:43:29 PM
Adam Alphabet
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 968
« Reply #195 on: March 04, 2016, 05:43:29 PM » |
I'm the same as you Justin, my rides leading up to the AZT are in the 40's or lower and raining. My biggest concern was melting last year on the 300. Damn near happened up Reddington but I did ok. Main kit was the merino Ice Breaker T that I added a zipper to as I used a backpack and wanted the full open option. Wish I didn't have to wear the pack but the trade off is there for me. rest was my normal gear. It was fine. I did have a question about those Camel Bak Insulated bottles... anyone use them in the direct heat, like mounted on the bike not in a pack or bag. I need a 'mixing' bottle for powdered stuff and was wondering if these things actually keep fluids cooler for longer in 90+ degree temps. Thanks.
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #196 on: March 04, 2016, 06:51:01 PM
Location: Bailey, CO
Posts: 476
« Reply #196 on: March 04, 2016, 06:51:01 PM » |
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #197 on: March 05, 2016, 09:34:41 PM
Location: Queen Creek, AZ
Posts: 644
« Reply #197 on: March 05, 2016, 09:34:41 PM » |
For the desert heat, I swear by my PI sun sleeves. I tend to forget the lotion between them & my gloves giving me a nice reddish bracelet.
Justin, I rode the x-Alp Seek V's a couple years ago, they were ok. I wasn't a fan of the laces only and for that reason alone wouldn't use them to hike the canyon. A little too much play on my heel. I've been using the X-Alp Launch's for about a year now and plan to use them for the 750. I could probably do the hike in them, but will be shipping shoes, etc to the S.Rim.
Adam, I have one of those insulated bottles & I always keep it on the bike. Does it keep fluid colder longer than, say, a swag bag giveaway bottle? Yes. But, here in AZ when it's effin' hot, you're only talking a few minutes extra anyway. Literally, a few minutes, like 5.
On a side note, I was out on a long ride y'day and had the pleasure of riding the entire Apache Trail from Roosevelt Lake back into town (opposite the 750) in the dark. While I missed all the scenery of the area, it sure was nice not having much traffic out there. It was a very nice evening too, but a few pockets of cool air really woke me up!! That entire section really works you, it's either up or down hardly any flat sections.
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #198 on: March 05, 2016, 11:08:22 PM
Adam Alphabet
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 968
« Reply #198 on: March 05, 2016, 11:08:22 PM » |
For the desert heat, I swear by my PI sun sleeves. I tend to forget the lotion between them & my gloves giving me a nice reddish bracelet.
Justin, I rode the x-Alp Seek V's a couple years ago, they were ok. I wasn't a fan of the laces only and for that reason alone wouldn't use them to hike the canyon. A little too much play on my heel. I've been using the X-Alp Launch's for about a year now and plan to use them for the 750. I could probably do the hike in them, but will be shipping shoes, etc to the S.Rim.
Adam, I have one of those insulated bottles & I always keep it on the bike. Does it keep fluid colder longer than, say, a swag bag giveaway bottle? Yes. But, here in AZ when it's effin' hot, you're only talking a few minutes extra anyway. Literally, a few minutes, like 5.
On a side note, I was out on a long ride y'day and had the pleasure of riding the entire Apache Trail from Roosevelt Lake back into town (opposite the 750) in the dark. While I missed all the scenery of the area, it sure was nice not having much traffic out there. It was a very nice evening too, but a few pockets of cool air really woke me up!! That entire section really works you, it's either up or down hardly any flat sections.
I wear sleeves of various weights year round, winter to summer and always end up with a 'burn bracelet' when riding in warmer/sunnier climes haha, gotta spray the wrists! I just cracked my third pair of X-Alp Enduro IV's. I've been using them for a few years now. They work well for me for all my riding, bikepacking. I can't say anything about how they'd fair hiking for 15 hours with a bike strapped to my bike though.. Thanks for the bottle advice John. I kind of figured once it gets above 90 everything becomes a bit of a crap shoot. Nice Ride the other day!
Topic Name: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
Reply #199 on: March 06, 2016, 07:00:14 AM
rick miller
Location: Golden, CO
Posts: 108
« Reply #199 on: March 06, 2016, 07:00:14 AM » |
I'd also like to open up discussion for any soft goods that could help with the heat. I'm fare of skin, and get sunburned easily. I also get overheated easily as well and prefer the cold temps. The greatest challenge for me in the AZTR will be the heat, hands down. I'll push my bike through a million drainages for 9 days straight, but if I'm a little too hot, I'm a goner. Are there any clothing items you see as essential for us that are from Viking Blood? Should I go so far as to investigate special clothing that you would see in something like the badwater race in Death Valley? Or should I just make sure I pack a light button up western shirt (in lieu of a jersey), and call 'er good?
Also, you'll probably be able to notice me in the distance by the titanium dioxide that's smeared and running off my enormous nose.
Silk headscarf (google 'cowboy wild rag') has become a permanent part of my bikepacking kit. Big enough to be worn keffiyeh style (see profile pic) when hot to cover the neck and disperse sweat, or tied in the back biker style to keep the ears warm on the North Rim. Also good for cleaning glasses, straining drinking water, arm splint and robbing stagecoaches.