Almost time to go!
I will be at the huge parking lot on Rampart Range Rd by 5:30am Monday to hand out Spots to those of you who are renting them, and to answer any last minute questions. I will provide a single small sheet of paper with Spot usage instructions and the call-in # as well. I'll park at the front of the lot - look for a red, radio-flyer wagon full of Spots!
There will be around 70 (!!) starting at the Indian Creek TH on Monday morning. No one is going to win or lose the race in the first 5 miles, so I suggest everyone take a relaxed start until things spread out a bit. However, as all the veterans know, the trail starts with tight twisty singletrack and 70 starting at once will be no fun. So, here is the plan:
6:30 start - all racers expecting to finish in 5 days or less. Based on previous years, I expect this to be 10-15 people this year.
6:35 start - all racers expecting to finish in 6-8 days. I expect this to be the majority of the field. Maybe 40 or so.
6:40 start - all racers expecting to finish in more than 8 days.
Remember, this race is self-timed. If you wish to start earlier or later, that is your prerogative, and do so at will. But, if you think you will be competitive with someone in particular, I would recommend starting at the same time.
Any other last minute questions or comments? Post 'em up!