Hi All,
The Transcontinental Race is done – if you have not considered it I can highly recommend it. Mike Hall has developed a fantastic race concept and it should be on everyone’s ‘to do’ list.
Time for a challenge greater than attempting the Tour Divide---getting Tour Dividers to contribute stories for the Cordillera. Volume 7 – to be published around Thanksgiving—will be on the 2015 race. What a race, best conditions in years and results show it. Looking forward to the stories.
Why Contribute?
Three reasons:
• All the revenue goes to the college fund of Linnaea Blumenthal, whose father Dave was killed in an accident just after Bush Mountain Lodge. To date we have raised over $10,000.
• We’ve a lot of interest in the Tour Divide after Mike Dion’s film and the book feeds this interest. It is a collage of what happens on the Tour Divide and with each year being different records for posterity the race. I can’t wait to read the stories for 2015.
• For people who want to race the Tour Divide it’s an invaluable resource for what to expect and planning how to deal with broken bikes, broken bodies and broken spirits. Oh, and for the lucky ones...finishing.
What to Contribute?
Two options.
• The best is to write a story about what you experienced, what you felt, etc. I’ve attached JD Paul’s story of braking his frame in NM and how he still finished on it, and Mike Arenberg as examples. Mike’s story is a good example of why your mother told you to wash your hands after toileting—especially if you have leaking Bear Mace around!
• Do an interview. I’ve attached a sample interview template with a few questions—as well as Oliver Whalley’s interview after 2012.
In both cases make it personal and share anecdotes. And don’t forget pictures!
What if I didn’t finish?
Welcome to the club. That was me in 2011 and 2012 before finally cracking the beast in 2013. You still have a story to share so don’t use that as an excuse
We also have a section for friends/family contributions under ‘Blue Dot Watchers’ so please see if they will contribute.
The Gear Survey
Please complete the online gear survey at:
http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2286495/e747bcf18750 This forms an annex to the Cordillera and it is always interesting to see how gear is evolving. The link will be active until mid-October.
Where/How Long/When
Please e-mail me your contribution to
If I could have contributions sooner than later it would be great. A good way to pass the recovery time in Istanbul would be editing the Cordillera. The deadline is the end of September. Two reasons. Main one is that I want to get the book finished in time for US Thanksgiving. It’s a great Christmas present. I’m also on a business trip to the Pacific Islands early October so I have time to work on it nights after work rather than having a life riding my bike or spending time with my wife.
If you can use the attached Word Files as templates it would be great. Otherwise send through a document and I’ll do my best to format it. It’s a big job and it’s helpful if you use these files as samples.
Do I Get a Free Copy
Believe it or not, this question comes up. The editor doesn’t even get one . Besides, what you pay goes to a good cause.
Please Forward This To Any Riders of Blue Dot Watchers
Not everyone puts their e-mails down on the Starter’s List so if you know of riders – or people who enjoyed watching the race – please forward this to them.
Thanks in anticipation for your help with keeping this important project alive.