Little story of this weekends trip on the CSTR. This trip starts about 50 miles in on the course and gets us to Lake Tahoe where the money shot is. I've been real lazy on writing on this thing, I've got a blog started for the race and will just push everything over there as I get closer. I'm up to 315 miles of on the ground riding! I've spent the past month chasing my tail on trails that would be excellent if they had seen any maintenance in the past 5 years. Getting closer and I hope to get the last trouble spots out of the way in the coming couple of weeks.
I'm just crossing my fingers that my hand holds out another month
I've ridden 319 miles of the course as of this week and have a complete GPX of the route so far. It's too big to post here so if you want to look at it you'll have to PM me with an e-mail address and I'll send it along.