For the third year in a row, the CTR dates conflict with the largest trade show in the ENTIRE outdoor industry, Outdoor Retailer in SLC. It's getting really annoying. Why this event has to happen at that exact time baffles me. It's only slightly better than having it during Interbike...but I digress.
Unbeknownst to me, this is likely the 5th year the CTR conflicts with the largest trade show in the outdoor industry.
Unfortunately, (?!) I don't have any affiliations with the outdoor industry and have just picked dates based on other's input, or for this year it was a no brainer - end of July with a full moon - maybe there really will be less rain...
Is it possible to race, and be an official racer, if I race before the actual race dates?
In a word: Abso-friggin-lutely!! Not only possible, but also encouraged! While you won't be an official "racer" in the sense that you're not racing against others that start at a common time, you'll absolutely be listed in the ITT section of the results page. And, IMO, with the way the numbers have increased for the CTR, it's probably more enjoyable to do an ITT. Keep an eye on the weather, and when there is a good window, git 'er done!