Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #20 on: June 12, 2010, 10:46:02 PM
Posts: 8
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2010, 10:46:02 PM » |
Teamfaeth, looks like he's still climbing- 12 miles or so from the border, so a couple hours or less. Oh, and if your computer crashes you can come on over and follow your hubby with Mrs Dogger and me!
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #21 on: June 13, 2010, 06:30:08 AM
Posts: 85
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2010, 06:30:08 AM » |
Wow, it looks like Pete really motored after his mechanical. Nice. Heather Dawe is killing it on a SS too, and Kent Petersen and Aidan Harding are riding together this morning in a good position. I'd like to hear how the uno gearers did on the pass climb with snow at the top. Dave B. said he granny geared the climb for about two hours so I wonder if a lot of it is a walker for the SS people? bruce.b
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #22 on: June 13, 2010, 08:23:28 AM
Location: Rancho Murieta, Ca
Posts: 41
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2010, 08:23:28 AM » |
Thanks Dogger! So far so good with Murieta Cable internet! Whew! I was just thanking the Lord this am for my cable interenet.LOL I am up and online tracking my man. I haven't heard from him.  I was hoping he would call in Eureka. I am anxious to see how his day went. I am so proud of him after his several hour set back for making up some time. My boy Parker is keeping himself quite busy between rising early to watch the World Cup and checking on his ole man. Off to church..I'll pray for all these racers. I feel like I know them all.Ha! Signing off..go SS's!! ps. thanks bruce.b for your updates. Where do you live? Yes, Heather is jammin! Did she sleep last night? I'm watching Kent and Aidan as well..hoped to hear from them today on the update page.I noticed Matthews, C got off the beat. I hope he turns back soon. I'm here worried like I'm their mamma. ha Have a great Sunday! My son is 9 yrs old..he has been mtb racing at Prarie City on Wed nights. He got first place the first week, and 2nd pl last week. He loves it like Daddy. He is also a soccer player like his Dad. Pete has a mini sho! Do you know how to post pictures on this thing. I would like to post my profile pic. Thxs!
2 Tim 4:7 Fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith!
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #23 on: June 13, 2010, 10:54:26 AM
Posts: 85
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2010, 10:54:26 AM » |
I'm in NJ, a long time SS mountainbiker and follower of the GDR. Let us know if Pete gives you any interesting details of his ride. I'd imagine they are all very busy and tired at the end of the day. bruce.b
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #24 on: June 13, 2010, 01:04:30 PM
Location: Rancho Murieta, Ca
Posts: 41
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2010, 01:04:30 PM » |
I will for sure! I am expecting him to call me in Whitefish if he can.
2 Tim 4:7 Fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith!
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #25 on: June 13, 2010, 01:35:51 PM
Location: Rancho Murieta, Ca
Posts: 41
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2010, 01:35:51 PM » |
This is an update from Pete Faeth when he was in Sparwood, Ca. for those who wanted more info on Pete's mechanical. Hey all, We left Banff yesterday at 9am sharp. There were somewhere around 48 of us. The weather held out and actually wasn't even drizzling! Anyway, a group of us made it about 110 miles and I decided to go for 30 miles to the next town of Sparwood, Canada. Well, my bike broke 10 miles into it and I had to push, scooter, and coast for over 20 miles to the hotel I was trying to get to. That portion was only supposed to take about 2 hours, and turned into and almost four hour ordeal. Not fun. Plus it was dark. Plus I was alone. Plus it is big grizzly bear territory. I made it though and shacked up with 6 other dudes thankfully. I am now waiting for the part to get here. My chain ring broke in half. I think two of the bolts backed out and I just torqued it to fatigue. It's an easy to get part, but the bike shop that is 20 miles away didn't open until 10am because it is Saturday. I also had to figure out a way to get it here, and the taxi company wanted to charge me a fortune. I would have given it, but the guy at the awesome bike shop called a friend and it should be here in a few minutes. Well, gotta go, I feel great and will catch the rest tonight. Take care and keep following!
2 Tim 4:7 Fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith!
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #26 on: June 13, 2010, 10:47:12 PM
Location: Alameda, CA
Posts: 33
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2010, 10:47:12 PM » |
Erik Mathy
Nah, sorry man. I am on tap for 2011, not 2010. 
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #27 on: June 13, 2010, 10:52:04 PM
Location: Alameda, CA
Posts: 33
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2010, 10:52:04 PM » |
My chain ring broke in half. I think two of the bolts backed out and I just torqued it to fatigue. Oh, man!!! I'm glad he recovered from that well and is moving again. That's totally the Tour Divide for you. It's all about preparing as best you can and making it up when things go sideways. Good for him! I'm in Alameda, CA, not too far from ya'all in Sacramento. When he gets back I'll buy him a beer and pump him for information. 
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #28 on: June 14, 2010, 07:25:01 AM
Location: Rancho Murieta, Ca
Posts: 41
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2010, 07:25:01 AM » |
Sounds great EMathy! Here is his email address in case I forget down the road. Have a great day! Happy watching everybody!
2 Tim 4:7 Fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith!
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #29 on: June 14, 2010, 08:56:38 AM
Location: Rancho Murieta, Ca
Posts: 41
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2010, 08:56:38 AM » |
Sweet..after Faeth's 5-6 hr set back he caught Heather Dawe (the other ss) this morning. I wonder if she slept in. Now she is off the path..getting breakfast? She has been charging! I hope she gets back on track soon. Charge Petey!! My day is just as busy..ha. Taking kids to tennis camp 830,930, 11a..then off to soccer this evening. Whew! I'm pulling 16 hr days solo. I'm just sayin..LOL Shout out to all the people who are holding the fort down while our loved ones are doing this race. God speed!
2 Tim 4:7 Fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith!
Topic Name: Single speed Tour Divide racers this year?
Reply #30 on: June 14, 2010, 11:31:48 AM
Posts: 8
« Reply #30 on: June 14, 2010, 11:31:48 AM » |
Where is Heather Dawes going? She turned around, headed north, then east, now north again on Rte 83???