Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1620 on: June 30, 2011, 02:23:21 PM
Location: Como, Colorado
Posts: 154
« Reply #1620 on: June 30, 2011, 02:23:21 PM » |
There are some that are truly racing but will partner for mutual benefit. These seem to form and re form.
There are some who have partnered ahead or shortly into the event. Someone who they are comfortable pacing with. The latter ones may break up if someone has bike or injury issues. These seem the most common, not sure if any survived to the end.
Anyway, pictures up dated, 3 more to come by.
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1621 on: June 30, 2011, 03:00:00 PM
Location: Sugar Hill, GA
Posts: 2455
« Reply #1621 on: June 30, 2011, 03:00:00 PM » |
Interesting question. I was at that Leadville 100, and if my memory serves me correctly Lance did a 60 mile solo effort after dropping Matt & Dave. Matt pushed the pace at the start to limit the size of the field, but then Lance took off. Matt ended up finishing third. How is that any different than Jefe pushing Kurt to ride harder and faster and pull all night efforts to take the lead. Is it unfair that there was another strong rider that made Kurt ride harder and faster to win?
Every mountain bike race is an individual race, but that doesn't mean that a racer shouldn't try and tag on to a faster rider to help keep their pace higher. Even in legitimate ITTs, riders will use the rider ahead of them as a carrot. Does that make that effort not an "individual" effort because there is somebody else on the course that is making that rider go faster than they would if it was just them all alone on course?
In the context of the TD, solo effort, is loosely defined, and the essence or spirit of the race is still being established. Riding an individual race along side others doing the same seems to fit well within the defined context...more than say a tandem team right?
I think the difference is that Lance is apparently hiring another racer for this purpose. The race is essentially there to provide a service and that service is to provide a team service. I don't think at any point Jefe or Ethan or Dave Bruno were thinking, "I'm doing what I can to help Kurt win." Does it discount Lance's individual effort? I think it does but that could be debated. If, however, it provided no help then he wouldn't hire him.
JP -
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1622 on: June 30, 2011, 03:11:59 PM
Location: Sugar Hill, GA
Posts: 2455
« Reply #1622 on: June 30, 2011, 03:11:59 PM » |
Caroline Soong called in from Pie Town earlier. Her tire is holding up. You can get the audio here, via RSS, or on iTunes!
JP -
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1623 on: June 30, 2011, 04:30:19 PM
Posts: 120
« Reply #1623 on: June 30, 2011, 04:30:19 PM » |
KimR is taking the standard GDMBR dirt route on the west side of El Malpais National Monument instead of the permitted paved altenative that most people take. 
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1624 on: June 30, 2011, 04:49:01 PM
Location: Southern Utah
Posts: 288
« Reply #1624 on: June 30, 2011, 04:49:01 PM » |
So will Ben overtake Dejay?
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1625 on: June 30, 2011, 04:54:09 PM
Posts: 82
« Reply #1625 on: June 30, 2011, 04:54:09 PM » |
So will Ben overtake Dejay?
Dejay is SS'ing it. Ben has gears, and will kill it on the flats, on the road. I think Ben will not be able to make it up if both of them stay on the gas and don't sleep until they hit Antelope Wells.
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1626 on: June 30, 2011, 05:01:14 PM
Highland Mike
Posts: 3
« Reply #1626 on: June 30, 2011, 05:01:14 PM » |
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1627 on: June 30, 2011, 05:11:45 PM
Location: Southern Utah
Posts: 288
« Reply #1627 on: June 30, 2011, 05:11:45 PM » |
Dejay is SS'ing it. Ben has gears, and will kill it on the flats, on the road. I think Ben will not be able to make it up if both of them stay on the gas and don't sleep until they hit Antelope Wells.
Ben is only 17 miles back so he should be able to catch Dejay on the road if all goes well. Woody
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1628 on: June 30, 2011, 05:38:46 PM
Location: Littleton Colorado
Posts: 117
« Reply #1628 on: June 30, 2011, 05:38:46 PM » |
After reading all the threads about stopping to cheer on the riders I was hesitant to say hi to Justin Simoni today when he was in Kremmling. Since I was working in the area today and don't know Justin (didn't want to jeopardize any rules on his behalf) I decided I would do a quick clap and cheer him on as he got to the highway just before Kremmling. I was glad I did because he stopped as I cheered him on and he was happy to talk to me about the adventure. He was riding really strong and was in such a jubilant mood to be on his bike, enjoying the ride, and eager to keep the pedals moving after getting some food. He said it was OK to take a picture and post to the bikepacking page so here it is. What a great guy! Good luck on the remainder of the trip Justin.
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1629 on: June 30, 2011, 05:42:34 PM
Location: Colorado
Posts: 27
« Reply #1629 on: June 30, 2011, 05:42:34 PM » |
 Great pic!
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1630 on: June 30, 2011, 05:58:24 PM
Location: Bend, OR
Posts: 559
« Reply #1630 on: June 30, 2011, 05:58:24 PM » |
What a great guy! Good luck on the remainder of the trip Justin.
Awesome pic. Photos and effort like that keep me glude to this forum and the other tracking websites. Thanks.
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1631 on: June 30, 2011, 06:08:33 PM
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1632 on: June 30, 2011, 06:24:59 PM
Location: Colorado
Posts: 951
« Reply #1632 on: June 30, 2011, 06:24:59 PM » |
If one does a bit of forum/thread research you can find lots of discussion about ITT, Group Start, Drafting, Teams in relationship to Self Supported mountain bike racing.
I will save everyone a bit of time and summarize all those countless posts:
1) Allowing Drafting would turn the TDR (and other self supported mountain bike races) into Team events. Is this good or bad—well that’s an individual value judgment but without a doubt it would be a completely different event(s).
2) Currently drafting is explicitly against the rules. And Pre-Planning to ride entire GD route as a team/together is highly discouraged.
3) Random groupings that organically form-up on route, and later disband and perhaps re-form on down the route are all a legitimate/fun/acceptable part of the current TDR self supported race structure.
Marshal’s opinion/value judgment about it all: I would hate to see the TDR’s growing popularity somehow change the “explicit” no drafting requirement or otherwise encourage Teams. Ie: The TDR is best as is and should never encourage pre-planned team riding, with or with out drafting
Also I would point out to all former, current and future TDR racers that Pre-Planned Teaming (and perhaps even extended hip to hip riding, with the tandem bike exception) means at least one of the ‘team’ racers holds back to help another. In short it violates the entire spirit of self supported racing.
Finally I would point out that any and all who truly want to do the Great Divide Route in some type of formal, pre-planned “Team” format are 100% free to do. But imo it would be best that these people step up and create their own event/structure with their own set of rules. Who knows, perhaps someone like Lance would be most interested in such an event.
PS: different topic but Spots never have been and currently “are not required” by the TDR rules
Final final--Kurt and Jefe just gave a brilliant example of what the TDR is meant to be. I dare anyone to show how some form of pre-planned team riding would improve the product.
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1633 on: June 30, 2011, 07:17:19 PM
Location: NC
Posts: 293
« Reply #1633 on: June 30, 2011, 07:17:19 PM » |
What a great guy! Good luck on the remainder of the trip Justin.
Man his pictures are great, always having a blast! He has a ton on his blog, hard to not have fun with a smile that big on your face all the time. Also I would point out to all former, current and future TDR racers that Pre-Planned Teaming (and perhaps even extended hip to hip riding, with the tandem bike exception) means at least one of the ‘team’ racers holds back to help another. In short it violates the entire spirit of self supported racing.
Final final--Kurt and Jefe just gave a brilliant example of what the TDR is meant to be. I dare anyone to show how some form of pre-planned team riding would improve the product.
Agree with your whole comment esp the first chunk above. I also think your last question is actually quite interesting and while everyone has their idea of what is "proper" I could see a number of ways to "improve" the product. While I enjoyed the race between KR and JB, could you imagine a race between duos allowed to draft (and push?) each other with lighter setups? KR/ML vs JB/AH? Geared vs SS, coed vs MM or FF, or... The iterations are endless and would be a blast to see and perhaps more (or less) fun to race given the team aspect taking away some of the mental anguish. Perhaps not as part of the TD to maintain the original intentions, but the same event started a few weeks earlier or later would be easy enough to compare to the traditional TD. In my eyes the TD could go a very many different ways - no grand departs, stay with the roots and try to keep it small, go the way of the standard 100+ milers with all of the myriad classifications, etc. Not sure what I'd want to see and what would be best for the route and racers as I've not raced or toured it, but it's fun to think about. When it gets too popular what's next? Include Canada, Mexico, all of South America?
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1634 on: June 30, 2011, 07:42:44 PM
Posts: 234
« Reply #1634 on: June 30, 2011, 07:42:44 PM » |
Derek B seems to have headed up 35, missing out the CDT section. I hope he notices soon!
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1635 on: June 30, 2011, 07:47:52 PM
Posts: 125
« Reply #1635 on: June 30, 2011, 07:47:52 PM » |
When it gets too popular what's next? Include Canada, Mexico, all of South America?
There and BACK again !!! Banff - AW - Banff That's what's next ...
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1636 on: June 30, 2011, 07:54:37 PM
Posts: 234
« Reply #1636 on: June 30, 2011, 07:54:37 PM » |
I guess that saves going to AW twice 
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1637 on: June 30, 2011, 07:55:00 PM
Posts: 82
« Reply #1637 on: June 30, 2011, 07:55:00 PM » |
Derek B seems to have headed up 35, missing out the CDT section. I hope he notices soon!
Ah.... I think for 2011, if your initials are "DB", you get to take the special route. Or else imitation is the greatest form of flattery for Dejay Birtch!
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1638 on: June 30, 2011, 07:56:18 PM
Posts: 125
« Reply #1638 on: June 30, 2011, 07:56:18 PM » |
Stephen Huddle and Cricket Butler at the 150 mile mark in 15 hours. They stopped for about 1.5 hours in Elkford. Wonder if they'll take a break in Sparwood or push on to Corbin tonight?
Topic Name: TD'11 Race Discussion
Reply #1639 on: June 30, 2011, 07:56:58 PM
Posts: 82
« Reply #1639 on: June 30, 2011, 07:56:58 PM » |
OK, off topic subject, but for the racers, what were your 5 favorite sections in New Mexico and Colorado,during the race, and why?