Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #680 on: June 15, 2012, 06:11:17 PM
Location: NC
Posts: 293
« Reply #680 on: June 15, 2012, 06:11:17 PM » |
when fast becomes the same as best in a person's mind, ugly things happen to their soul.
Yeah I get that to a point I guess, and thank for getting me thinking about it more. I don't think there's a right or a wrong, but that statement about is a bit presumptious to me and not something I was implying really. I should have elaborated. The point I was getting to was it would suck for one or both of these guys to regreat later that they rode side by side and took advantage of that "teaming" for 2700 miles to finish together IF racing the race was a goal. Given their positions and their clear ability to be at the forefront I'd say you could safely assume (yes I could be wrong here) that finishing in the lowest possible time would be a goal for each of them. Or perhaps a better example - could you picture Matt Lee and JayP doing the same thing? For a few days sure, but for 17 straight to finish side by side? No. Are their souls uglier because of it? I don't even know how you'd answer that question. To be clear - I'm not a racer on par with half these guys and gals (my best rides - see what Idid there?  - are just over 100 miles and I only have a handful) so take my opinon at face value.
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #681 on: June 15, 2012, 06:21:40 PM
Location: Wyoming
Posts: 148
« Reply #681 on: June 15, 2012, 06:21:40 PM » |
He doesn't seem to be hanging with anybody, maybe pulling away from Michael I. as well. Robin's a rider that I've been thinking is riding a little bit reserved. Not that I know much about him personally, but from what I experienced briefly out on TD in 2010 he is a good rider, so I won't be surprised if he makes up ground consistently from here on to AW.
I rode on and off with Robin in 2010 across the Flathead and into Seely Lake area. He is a strong dude. I was glad to run into him in the Flathead because I knew that he witnessed a guy being pulled off a bike and mauled a few years earlier. He was good at making alot of noise in bear country!! He had some painful knees in 2010 but looks like he has them worked out this year. I think he will continue to ride a good pace. I love to see him riding strong alone. That takes much more mental strength than group riding.
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #682 on: June 15, 2012, 06:23:25 PM
Location: Beautiful downtown Darnestown, MD
Posts: 278
« Reply #682 on: June 15, 2012, 06:23:25 PM » |
The list just provided was not inclusive of all the riders? Did all the Italians sign up at the last moment? They appear to be strong riders with a good command of what is needed to be successful. does anyone know anything about them? Viva Italia!
The start list on Google was a community effort, unofficial and voluntary. Some people put their names in it, others decided not to, and others yet likely didn't even know about it (like the Italians). The only official start list was maintained by race director Matthew Lee and maybe others, but other than what exists currently on Trackleaders I don't know of any copy of it anywhere on a public site.
- Denis aka Ze Diesel
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #683 on: June 15, 2012, 06:36:25 PM
Location: Lower Hutt New Zealand
Posts: 91
« Reply #683 on: June 15, 2012, 06:36:25 PM » |
If it works out that way, and that may be a big IF, it would be way cool to see Craig and Ollie finish together in a mutually-shared record time.
While everyone has to do what makes them most happy, it would go to my belief that there is soooo much more to biking than just comparing oneself to timing numbers on a website or a piece of paper.
Keep rockin' it everybody!
I couldn't agree more. Right now Ollie and Stappy have made a friendship that they wont forget, and Ollie is doing a PB. I am sure he is over the moon with how well they are both going. I really expect he would not have had real intentions of doing this well from the outset. I hope that either one, or both of them can keep it rolling like this to the finish. Who knows where "half-way" is in this event. They use to say it was 30kms in a marathon. Can anyone tell me where the "wheels fall off" most commonly? Cheers Jeff
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #684 on: June 15, 2012, 06:39:30 PM
Riding and exploring
Location: Westminster, CO
Posts: 681
« Reply #684 on: June 15, 2012, 06:39:30 PM » |
It really varies from what I've seen but my worst fatigue was between Cuba and Mimbres. Hot, tired, close but not enough to really feel like the finish is right there. More than one nap on the side of the road to keep from falling asleep at the bars.
-Chris Plesko
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #685 on: June 15, 2012, 06:42:45 PM
Posts: 5
« Reply #685 on: June 15, 2012, 06:42:45 PM » |
just had the first meeting of the farnsworth fan club (FFC), some interesting decisions were made. there will be farnsworth-isms posted in the signatures of all FFC members. Emily Batty has been elected treasurer. Elk are now called caribou. our next meeting is on monday. attached is a picture of all the attendees.  So FYI - for the club: when I first met Mark he was leading a road bike group ride - on his inline skates - the frames of which he designed and manufactured in his garage. He also invented/patented a skate brake for inline racers that skate with bikes and need to stop quickly - like at a stop sign at the bottom of a hill - here is the video link (gator brake):
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #686 on: June 15, 2012, 06:46:46 PM
Location: Beautiful downtown Darnestown, MD
Posts: 278
« Reply #686 on: June 15, 2012, 06:46:46 PM » |
For me, it was the reverse. The further I went the stronger I got. Very tough at the beginning, in part because the highest mountains and highest elevations are there (I was NoBo), in part because I'm really slow to warm up, and in part because of various things like hot days, cold nights, etc... I really started to get going past Rawlins, going for 175 miles that day. In the first week, 10 hours wheels rolling (about 13 hours total) and I was seriously tired. By the last week, 10 hours and I was just getting warmed up, riding well into the night.
- Denis aka Ze Diesel
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #687 on: June 15, 2012, 06:57:12 PM
Location: Beautiful downtown Darnestown, MD
Posts: 278
« Reply #687 on: June 15, 2012, 06:57:12 PM » |
- Denis aka Ze Diesel
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #688 on: June 15, 2012, 07:01:37 PM
Location: Sugar Hill, GA
Posts: 2455
« Reply #688 on: June 15, 2012, 07:01:37 PM » |
Guenther Glettler is the guy that called in about Fogg yesterday. He started in Whitefish due to his bike showing up late. He was riding with Fogg and now is riding just for fun we presume and his spot is not on.
Thanks! I'll note that. Got some calls coming. Long day, Folks, I haven't had a chance to post until now.
JP -
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #689 on: June 15, 2012, 07:26:35 PM
Location: Lower Hutt New Zealand
Posts: 91
« Reply #689 on: June 15, 2012, 07:26:35 PM » |
It really varies from what I've seen but my worst fatigue was between Cuba and Mimbres. Hot, tired, close but not enough to really feel like the finish is right there. More than one nap on the side of the road to keep from falling asleep at the bars.
What happens to the guys starting from the south, when they get to the snow in the north, completely shagged and with a body fat level of 3 % ? That blows me away. Jeff
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #690 on: June 15, 2012, 07:32:47 PM
Posts: 120
« Reply #690 on: June 15, 2012, 07:32:47 PM » |
The list just provided was not inclusive of all the riders? Did all the Italians sign up at the last moment? They appear to be strong riders with a good command of what is needed to be successful. does anyone know anything about them? Viva Italia!
Here's something about the Alessi brothers, Riccardo and Giorgio:
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #691 on: June 15, 2012, 07:45:47 PM
Location: Sugar Hill, GA
Posts: 2455
« Reply #691 on: June 15, 2012, 07:45:47 PM » |
Calls today: Serge called in from Colter Bay Convenience Store outside Flagg Ranch. Eric Foster called in leaving Ferndale and psyched to get back out there! Fred Arden called in from Helena. Recounts his journey from Seeley Lake. Getting his bike worked on and having breakfast now. Heading for Butte today! Tim Zawislak called in to say he is OUT. A touch decision-but based on medical advise, he is withdrawing from race to avoid long term complications. Wishing everyone a good ride, especially Robin Borstmayer. Josh Smith called in from Basin. Had an epicly great day yesterday dry riding from Lincoln to Helena. He sounds totally stoked! Mark Farnsworth called in from outside Lima. About to head into the “wilderness” from Lima with 1/3 bottle of gatorade and 1 hammer gel and his water filter!Mike Intrabartola called in from Lima. Last couple days have been nice with some downhills and sunny weather and some comical mud pushing. John Phillips called in from the Montana High Country Lodge! After some bike issues yesterday, having a solid day today. Larry Hipskin called in to say he’s OUT! Body just had enough. Want to thank Matthew and all the folks involved. Dave Meissner called in from Lima. Recounting his past week. He’s calling it an early day, going to do some laundry and relaxing today. Enjoying Montana beauty and will get back to chase tomorrow!
JP -
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #692 on: June 15, 2012, 08:10:45 PM
ride MT
Posts: 46
« Reply #692 on: June 15, 2012, 08:10:45 PM » |
okay. Mr Farnsworth. Not sure what to think of that call!?!? Good joke on us? That's a good 90 miles of no food to get to the highway at Island Park.
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #693 on: June 15, 2012, 08:51:37 PM
Riding and exploring
Location: Westminster, CO
Posts: 681
« Reply #693 on: June 15, 2012, 08:51:37 PM » |
What happens to the guys starting from the south, when they get to the snow in the north, completely shagged and with a body fat level of 3 % ? That blows me away.
If you go NoBo the snow is much less significant by the time you get there. 2 weeks of melt in the summer can make feet disappear.
-Chris Plesko
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #694 on: June 15, 2012, 09:01:11 PM
Location: Beautiful downtown Darnestown, MD
Posts: 278
« Reply #694 on: June 15, 2012, 09:01:11 PM » |
If you go NoBo the snow is much less significant by the time you get there. 2 weeks of melt in the summer can make feet disappear.
It didn't last year. And in fact when we got to the northern portions we got authorized to take the same detours as SoBo riders, as the snowpack was basically the same as 2 weeks earlier. But of course that was a record year for snow levels, so YMMV. North of Steamboat, going north on June 22, 2011: 
- Denis aka Ze Diesel
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #695 on: June 15, 2012, 09:14:57 PM
Location: Sugar Hill, GA
Posts: 2455
« Reply #695 on: June 15, 2012, 09:14:57 PM » |
Episode 133: Tour Divide Day 7 show is up! Tim Zawislak and Larry Hipskind are out! And new calls from Dave Meissner and Josh Smith!
JP -
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #696 on: June 15, 2012, 09:20:31 PM
Posts: 211
« Reply #696 on: June 15, 2012, 09:20:31 PM » |
It really varies from what I've seen but my worst fatigue was between Cuba and Mimbres. Hot, tired, close but not enough to really feel like the finish is right there. More than one nap on the side of the road to keep from falling asleep at the bars.
That ain't no joke..... I passed out twice in the heat post Beaverhead/pre-mimbres. Talk about a sufferfest! I will say though. It varies by rider. I just suck in the heat. All of my chasers caught up to me quite a bit during that section but when it was colder, I was putting some serious time on them. Guess I'll be doing some heat training before my next attempt!
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #697 on: June 15, 2012, 09:41:36 PM
Russ Kipp
Location: Polaris, MT
Posts: 138
« Reply #697 on: June 15, 2012, 09:41:36 PM » |
Wow! What a difference a couple days can make in the Rockies. After looking at the snow photos I am reluctant to post today's photos from the Pioneer Mountains & Grasshopper Valley. OK I must...The overcast burnt off by noon, temps rose and a nice tail wind gave the riders a boost through the Grasshopper Valley. Alberto blew by the lodge sporting a big grin and some serious speed. John stopped by Elkhorn Hot Springs for an ice cream break and then stopped by our lodge for a sandwich. John left for Medicine Lodge - Sheep Creek while the pedaling was good.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 09:47:43 PM by Russ Kipp »
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #698 on: June 15, 2012, 10:20:20 PM
Posts: 6
« Reply #698 on: June 15, 2012, 10:20:20 PM » |
does anyone know if Crazy Larry found his bike?
Topic Name: TD'12 Race Discussion
Reply #699 on: June 15, 2012, 10:27:55 PM
Location: Bend, OR
Posts: 559
« Reply #699 on: June 15, 2012, 10:27:55 PM » |
North bounder Manelope from Antelope is at Kristin's lodge tonight. First one this year to enjoy infamous hospitality.