Hello to ALL TDR riders !
You've decided to challenge your self! Bravo! Kudos to each and every one of you!

I try and help ANY & ALL the Tour Divide riders every year.
However...times are pretty rough for me this year.
~ So, Feel Free to tap on my window at back building of YWCA; 2nd window PARKING LOT SIDE back building near bike rack; the one with the little fan in it; tap on it....ANY Tour Divide Rider is welcome !

I will try to help anyone as best as I can with information.
My room is packed with 28 boxes and a Bob Trailer & bike hangs from ceiling. Boy! Do I wish I owned a Bed & breakfast! LoL
***Doesn't look like I will be able to go (again) this year. CRaP-O !!! BIG TIME! Its hitting home that hard times with NO money has left little funds for powders and training time.
I had my heart into leaving this year (that was the plan since last year with mom having Cancer and passing on but then, family problems arose) Dang!!! ...a very stubborn disruptive brother not willing to sign off on various estate accounts has left me without money...money I was naturally counting on; due to his controlling ways of using moms accounts to bargain and control me. Its just not going to happen. I AM a Free spirit!
This is my present Story of what was suppose to happen last year...and I am
STILL working on making it happen.
http://crazylarry.ca/today-i-ride-for-you-riding-for-mom/ (remember needs editing)
Anyways, that's the story for those thinking I was coming for sure. Last year, mom passed away of Cancer, the 3rd day RIGHT after Grand Dept. Sad but allowed me to be with the TDR riders as she knew it meant a lot to me. Thanks everyone for understanding.
If money does come in or a FAST job happens; I WILL do the TDR during the summer; Quite possibly the Yo Yo from North to South to North! Way to go Bill Rice for the World Record of South to North to South! GREAT effort!!!

LOOKS like the Grand Dept is a RAINY Start ! I compiled some links for everyone to notice.
The bridge taken out by the floods I believe will be repaired in time. I will post a picture for ALL to see.
My Youtube Channel is bearhugstoyou
EMAIL for Crazy Larry =
crazylarrybanff@gmail.comI would LOVE to hear your letters of intent to me! ok!?

I can't find where anyone has posted any??? So ....FOR A START in traditional ways, to me is GREAT!

Thought I'd post a couple Weather Links along route: (*June 10th.2014)
Rocky Mountain Weather DOES & CAN change! Its the mountains....where it raining on one side the valley...it may not on the other! That weird/different.
Banff ~
http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/canada/alberta/banffCanmore ~
http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/canada/alberta/CanmoreKananaskis Recreation Area ~ (*along the route)
http://www.theweathernetwork.com/outdoors/parks/caab0620Elkford B.C. ~
http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/canada/british-columbia/elkfordI'm trying to get together my underground (*for TDR only!) Question & Answer Session.
***Key Point: I do this strictly out of my love and respect I have for amazing riders that come here from ALL parts of the world.
I have NO affiliation or represent anyone from ACA or intend to. I love cyclist.
I AM no racer!
I very much love 'each' and 'respect' every one of you for challenging your selves doing something so EPIC!
I have done this Question Answer Session the last few years for the Tour Divide Riders held at the Elk & Oarsmen Bar - as you travel downtown 1st Cross walk immediate left side; you'll see the balcony. Simply put > You ask a question / Someone else answers it ...usually a veteran there!
Everyone loves the meeting...a chance to meet your fellow cyclist under one roof and swap stories and share your ways!
Meeting Time is > 5pm = usually everyone stays for 2 hrs then its BEDTime! *Right!?

Location Elk & Oarsmen Restaurant Bar
https://www.google.ca/maps/preview?ie=UTF-8&fb=1&gl=ca&q=Elk+%26+Oarsman+Restaurant+%26+Pub&cid=16743920434904350230&ei=fYeWU7KiCMThoATp1oDwCA&ved=0CIgBEPwSMAshttp://www.tripadvisor.ca/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g154911-d780562-i75815303-Elk_and_Oarsmen_Pub_Grill-Banff_Banff_National_Park_Alberta.htmlSee you ALL here in Banff!