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  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #280 on: June 15, 2015, 08:13:52 PM

Location: Truckee, CA
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« Reply #280 on: June 15, 2015, 08:13:52 PM »

+1 to Ezster's comment. The Rez gave me the creeps in 2013. I was going to try and bust through it at night while the temps were cool, but I got freaked out about drunk drivers and some guys slowing down and checking me out as they passed. Sleeping on the Rez can feel sketch too!

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #281 on: June 15, 2015, 08:41:11 PM

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« Reply #281 on: June 15, 2015, 08:41:11 PM »

I had 2 very different experiences from Cuba to Grants.  The first time I was chased by some aggressive dogs that were headed toward my ankles like missels.  I was chased in two or three different places in a short stretch.  Gave me a cortisol dump each time.  Lucky it was not on an uphill.  Those rez dogs are more dangerous than the grizzlies.  The second time I pedaled in the dark and watch an amazing sunrise that was fantastically peaceful and beautiful. 

Gotta give a shout out for Joe Fox.  He is crankin.  I rode with him about 4.5 years on the Tour D Haiti.  He led a group of men on a charity ride to give free bikes to orphans that lost their parents in the Haiti earthquake.  He  seemed like a motivated racer and expressed motivation back then to do this race.  Go Joe and hey to your father.  He must be proud. 

Brad M Flagstaff

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #282 on: June 15, 2015, 08:58:14 PM

Location: Ovando, Montana
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« Reply #282 on: June 15, 2015, 08:58:14 PM »

It's turning into crazy town in Ovando tonight with everybody seeming to show up now and everybody closed.  The Market, Blackfoot Commercial Co is opening up if someone needs something.  I'm going to try to get in by 7 am [I live 30 minutes out] to get all the photos, especially the ladies since they all arriving at once.  Hopefully they don't want to leave on an empty stomach and will have breakfast at the Bullet.  So far 4 in with at least another 6 or more on the move in.  

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #283 on: June 15, 2015, 09:11:13 PM

Location: Ovando, Montana
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« Reply #283 on: June 15, 2015, 09:11:13 PM »

Here are some of the latest newcomers into Ovando after 9:30 pm.   Thank you Alona at BCC [the market] for her cell phone photos!
-   Alice Drobna, Oregon
-  Brent Stepanik, Wisconsin
-  Eleanor McDonough,  Tennessee
-  Simon Cross, Australia

* Alice Drobna Jun 15.jpg (63.77 KB, 539x960 - viewed 1568 times.)

* Brent Stepanik Jun 15.jpg (60.96 KB, 539x960 - viewed 1508 times.)

* Eleanor McDonough Jun 15 930.jpg (44.8 KB, 539x960 - viewed 1479 times.)

* Simon Cross Jun 15 Aust.jpg (54.34 KB, 539x960 - viewed 1503 times.)

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #284 on: June 15, 2015, 09:17:28 PM

Location: Sugar Hill, GA
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« Reply #284 on: June 15, 2015, 09:17:28 PM »

FYI, as Charlie Kemp noted in his call-in he lost his GoPro coming down Galton Pass. I changed the greeting on the call-in line to let racers know. He did manage to get a ride back up as another racer noted seeing it up there but was unable to find it. So someone likely picked it up.

JP -

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #285 on: June 15, 2015, 09:21:24 PM

Location: Ovando, Montana
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« Reply #285 on: June 15, 2015, 09:21:24 PM »

After missing the photos of these two I went to Trixi's diner to find them just finishing up and retook their photo.

Sorry guys!

 Lukas Ausfachlage, Switzerland and
 David Hoswell, of Australia


[enjoy Rebecca!]

Carry on
and good night!

* Lukas Ausfachlage Dave Hoswell June 15 (1) Large e-mail view.jpg (275.44 KB, 1024x768 - viewed 1488 times.)

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #286 on: June 15, 2015, 09:23:50 PM

Location: Ovando, Montana
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« Reply #286 on: June 15, 2015, 09:23:50 PM »

I've got some ideas for next year. Time and money willing, I'll be heading South down the route instead of staying in Banff as long as I have recently. Love the town, don't get me wrong. There's just so much to be gleaned with the racers on the route. Haven't been to Montana in awhile so it's time.

oh yea!  We'll talk about this.  Ovando would be honored!!!!!!

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #287 on: June 15, 2015, 11:56:51 PM

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« Reply #287 on: June 15, 2015, 11:56:51 PM »

HI Folks,

does anyone know, why the TD-route does not pass the Outdoorsman in Butte anymore? It was a great place to restore with bike parts, having a pizza and meeting great people.

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #288 on: June 16, 2015, 02:03:00 AM
Adam Alphabet

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« Reply #288 on: June 16, 2015, 02:03:00 AM »

Looks like Alex got ahead of Jay and Neil while they were catching some zzz's. Josh, Dylan and Seb all within 20 miles of each other too. Very interesting race at the front so far this year.


  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #289 on: June 16, 2015, 02:05:24 AM

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« Reply #289 on: June 16, 2015, 02:05:24 AM »

Yuss!! One advantage of living down under at this time of year - you get to see the big night-time moves go down on the TD! Alex has just passed JP and NB's blue dots. Were they sleeping? When will Alex sleep? I wonder if he's even aware that he's (maybe) just taken the 'lead'?

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #290 on: June 16, 2015, 02:30:22 AM
Roland Sturm

Location: Santa Monica, CA
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« Reply #290 on: June 16, 2015, 02:30:22 AM »

+1 to Ezster's comment. The Rez gave me the creeps in 2013.
Worst part of the route? The dogs in New Mexico, the only part I truly detested. Vicious, dangerous, not just the pack on the rez between Cuba and Grants; Vallecitos as well.  That's where I used the bearspray - and the riders an hour or two behind me said they didn't see any dogs.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 12:13:11 PM by Roland Sturm » Logged

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #291 on: June 16, 2015, 02:46:39 AM

Location: NZ
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« Reply #291 on: June 16, 2015, 02:46:39 AM »

What's happened to JP's blue dot?? Can't see him,

Scratch that he must have been hiding..
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 02:53:41 AM by cossrider » Logged

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #292 on: June 16, 2015, 03:08:32 AM

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« Reply #292 on: June 16, 2015, 03:08:32 AM »

Woohoo! They're up and chasing! And it looks like Alex might finally have stopped for some shut-eye.

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #293 on: June 16, 2015, 05:59:15 AM

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« Reply #293 on: June 16, 2015, 05:59:15 AM »

As the sun is setting on the east coast, a question for vets: which sections of the route would you LEAST like to hit at night, for whatever reason(s)? The descent into Radium? Lava Mtn? Richmond Peak (if snowy)?

Great discussion topic, ron, thanks.  imo, (assume riding alone) from a cycing standpoint, Brazos Ridge (up, across, down, etc.) in the wet, for the 'creepy' side, any tight singletrack or dense willow growth parts of the route through grizzly and moose country (Banff to Whitefish for sure) on a moonless or cloudy night.  Fortunately for Soboers, that part of the route is over before one's thinking gets too fuzzy and inventive to trust entirely (that'd be around the Basin?).  I'd hoped to ride the Basin in the dark.  Next time?  To add on to ron's question, then, what would be your FAVORITE section to ride in the dark?

- When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself – Shunryu Suzuki

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #294 on: June 16, 2015, 06:19:45 AM

Location: On a long a low elevation rail trail, East of Omaha..
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« Reply #294 on: June 16, 2015, 06:19:45 AM »

Great discussion topic, ron, thanks.  imo, (assume riding alone) from a cycing standpoint, Brazos Ridge (up, across, down, etc.) in the wet, for the 'creepy' side, any tight singletrack or dense willow growth parts of the route through grizzly and moose country (Banff to Whitefish for sure) on a moonless or cloudy night.  Fortunately for Soboers, that part of the route is over before one's thinking gets too fuzzy and inventive to trust entirely (that'd be around the Basin?).  I'd hoped to ride the Basin in the dark.  Next time?  To add on to ron's question, then, what would be your FAVORITE section to ride in the dark?

In the dark of night, crossing the last 60 miles to the border.  Assuming a clear night with a quite border patrol, the canopy of stars would be incredible.  Maybe add in a few howling coyotes for ambiance.

Ha ha, might need to dodge a few snakes on the pavement.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 06:24:21 AM by bgiro » Logged

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #295 on: June 16, 2015, 06:46:45 AM

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« Reply #295 on: June 16, 2015, 06:46:45 AM »

Spot tracking-problems or navigation skills still sleeping?

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #296 on: June 16, 2015, 07:12:40 AM

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« Reply #296 on: June 16, 2015, 07:12:40 AM »

Its a little confusing up there on Fleecer when your tired and pegged out, and picking where to start descending is like picking a downhill ski line. Looks like he made it!  The other two ahead: come on surprise us and take the Elkwood hot spring plunge!

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #297 on: June 16, 2015, 08:21:38 AM
Honcho Boncho

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« Reply #297 on: June 16, 2015, 08:21:38 AM »

I spoke with Marshal Bird briefly this morning as he fueled up in Helena.  He seemed to be in good spirits - he's dealing with aches and pains as expected, but having a great ride.  Marshal said that he's having an issue with charging his electronics (a broken wire), including his lights and phone, which is why he hasn't been able to call mtbcast or his wife as he had planned.  He's trying to save the little bit of juice left in his phone until he's able to take the time to repair his charging system, hopefully at a hotel sometime in the next couple nights.  He may also buy a portable charger if he can find one.

It was great seeing him go through - he's having an impressive ride! 

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #298 on: June 16, 2015, 08:54:36 AM

Location: Sugar Hill, GA
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« Reply #298 on: June 16, 2015, 08:54:36 AM »

Episode June 16, 2015 – Catch up show and #TourDivide15 Day 4 True Up!
In this episode we get caught up on news and my trip to the Tour Divide start, true up you day 4 racer calls, and talk to Eleanor McDonough about her charity ride and approach to her race!

JP -

  Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread Reply #299 on: June 16, 2015, 08:55:03 AM

Location: Southern Utah
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« Reply #299 on: June 16, 2015, 08:55:03 AM »

I spoke with Marshal Bird briefly this morning as he fueled up in Helena.  He seemed to be in good spirits - he's dealing with aches and pains as expected, but having a great ride.  Marshal said that he's having an issue with charging his electronics (a broken wire), including his lights and phone, which is why he hasn't been able to call mtbcast or his wife as he had planned.  He's trying to save the little bit of juice left in his phone until he's able to take the time to repair his charging system, hopefully at a hotel sometime in the next couple nights.  He may also buy a portable charger if he can find one.
It was great seeing him go through - he's having an impressive ride! 

Yeah Marshal is killing it. Keep hammering it out man.

Love Mark Caminiti call-ins, he tells it the way it is.
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