Well, How are ya'ALL feel'n ??
THAT WASSSssZzzz one - hell - of - a race to watch - keep track of!!!
I was on the seat-of my chair for most of the entire race! (*Literally!)
Many people (*Avid Cyclist enthusiast) fail to realize that it took a TON Of effort for pretty much ALL - the - participants (Ultra Cyclist) whether Touring the route or *for some, racing it to get here to Banff, Alberta for the Grand Depart START.
THIS EPIC RIDE - Personal Challenge - for many, like you if you choose to participate next year, IS NOT OVER, YET!
The Annual Crazy Larry Grand Depart Group Picture > "Every year!" < WILL BE even better yet next year! ***
2016 I've already reserved the World's Largest Pixel camera to take the picture at the YWCA meeting spot for START neutral peleton ROLL-out!
There were and STILL-ARE going to be, many late nights watching those AmaZzzing Girls doing this race. HUGE Kudos girls!!!! Love ya's! BIG Time!!!

And watching the rest of you's finish.
Although some may say:
Someone came in 1st.
Someone came in 2nd.
Someone even came in 3rd.
We the lovers of biking - Especially, Ultra Cycling Routes, are ALL on the SAME Team!
You ARE ALL on A Team / Fraternity / The ONLY Club of its kind!
The Ultra Cyclist
- Epic riders of the Tour Divide Route! Toughest DARN race - in - the - World!
This route takes much courage, personal push {beyond-what-some-may believe} to finish.
BIG Shout out to Joe Polk of MTB Cast for the extended HARD HARD work of sorting listening to EACH & EVERY Call you's call in. Wow!
And for Scott Morris and Matthew Lee for TrackLeaders tracking you ALL. (AND, the many other races they do!)
Remembering ~
"The fact, that you came to Banff - took the time to go through the mirage of logistics just to prepare - from relationship separation ...time away, to jobs, to financial means, to lonely days of training, to educating yourselves on the course doings/changes/deviations/Spot doings, to equipment choices - THIS ALL is a Testimony to the person you truly are! "
Bravo to you ALL!
Kudos to ALL your efforts!
I love you's ALL - to - bits!! *Honestly!
I'm get'n set for my go of it "Presently" planning *IF Blood tests come back GOOD - To try it possibly in August 2015
I'd love to interview, each one of you.
So Please, give me a dingle.
bigbearhi@gmail.comI'll be fix'n to edit an (under construction website shortly) Should be an area for writing your stories SOON! ok!?
Wives, friends of riders *Please, pass this email around - ok!? I'd appreciate that a TON!

Ok Back, to watching the rest of ya's "Make Your Hearts Sing! "
Rock ON !