*** Heartiest of Congratulations Miss Lael Wilcox !!!!

THAT was an ImpreSSive Epic Ride of a Life-time!!! - eh!?


There " ARE " many who are Touring this Route; as it is an Epic Accomplishment - JUsssst to finish this Tour Divide Route with all its logistical nightmare's!!!
Anyone who does....is a Champion to themselves!
AND that is something one - can - take with you; for the rest of your ENTIRE Life-Time of living MORE adventures hopefully~!
*** "The fact that you took the time energy logistics like separation from job family friends, obtaining a bike gear equipment, lonely days of training, Your Personal rides in Isarael, Ride from Alaska jussst before doing the Tour Divide Route is a testimony to the person you truly ARE! "
YOU NOW enter the Elite Fraternity Club of Ultra Endurance Adventurer Cyclist of the Word.
There ARE ONLY a handful.
Bravo. Kudos to you there young courageous lady!!!
You set a NEW Women's World Record at 17.01.51 beating out an ALREADY AmaZing time from Eszter Horanyi at 19.03.35
BUT TO ME *Personally ~ We are TRULY ALL on the SAME Team!
*Hopefully, the course/route stays the same, so that each rider setting goals can have the same playing field in the future!? eh?
We love our cycling!
We love what makes our hearts sing; and have the ability to do it.
There are MANY who can not.
SO Rock ON Miss Lael Wilcox.
You've set the standard to make MANY MANY a heart sing!!! ~ For quite-a- while to come!!!!

Lets just say, "You've rattled the hornets nest for both women and men alike~!

Thank you for all your lonely days of training and the many many miles you put on to come here to Banff, Alberta-Canada.
However, of that, history is STiLL - in - the - making with Billy Rice and his daughter being the FIRST EVER to ride the Tour Divide Route paving the way for many a father and daughter team; EVEN mother and son or daughter team to ride the EPIC Route >ALL Self Supported !
Meaning NO help! NO Stage tents setup for you. NO water waiting. NO food supplied.
THIS IS ALL YOU ....and YOU ALONE to see if you can pull it off!
When you do.
YOU WILL take one of the most gratifying feelings of a Life-Time!!! *SO I've heard, I haven't did this route / race for some, yet!

***I really enjoyed INTEVIEWING YOU while you were riding making HISTORY happen before me!
THAT Was SOooo COOL !!! James Prosser ( a fellow rider who also could not participate this year, was in the truck driving while I filmed) We both were in AWE and SO SO excited to follow you!
So when you read this ....Please STAY in Touch ok!?

Thanks for being THAT person who instills adventure, the curiosity to 'choose' to personally challenge one's self, and the courage to do such Epic Rides in SUCH an Epic AmaZZzing Time!!!
However, the RACE IS NOT OVER YET!

There ARE many more adventurous cyclist who are also making their hearts sing; to accomplish one of the World's MOST TOUGHEST Races due to its extreme variety of terrain climate conditions that 'can' change so drastically on a moments notice that personally challenge EACH SELF-Supported cyclist touring / racing for some.
Way to go!!!
I AM SO AWESOMELY inspired to ride my bike!
And do the Tour Divide - one day!!!

I AM, and have taken 30 days to follow you ALL; as I LOVE each one of you AMaZing cyclist from around the world; and thoroughly enjoy helping you in whatever way is possible when you come to Banff, Alberta for the START of the Grand Depart AND participate in the Crazy Larry's Grand Depart Group Picture ! (*Too!)
Glad to have met you along side the road to interview you while riding.
Please, let me know where to post it!? (*if you wish it posted?) Or send it to you!