Hi Larry,
I think Donald's point is that there is no discernible difference between the genders in terms of perfprmance, so why have a separate category? The TD does not recognize age differences, so why gender?
I got it!
I can hardly believe, I didn't catch that.
It was late .....
If I may dabble into my perspective on this subject area....
Sorry if I bore anyone. Just a rebuttal about the subject.
Regardless of race, creed, colour, heterosexual or gay, black or white.....female or male ~ We ALL live on earth, have to exist. Eat, crap and rest.
How you spend your time on this earth is of your own choice. To quote the movie "Lord of the Rings" ~ When Ghandolf replied to Frotto " All you have to think about Frotto is " What will you do with the time that has been given to "YOU". {my personal rebuttal: "Will you follow others? Will you lead the way with doing whats healthy for you and others? Will you? Are you strong enough? or have you fallen prey to influence?? }
Carrying on with the subject at hand......

I believe, in the spirit of "We ARE truly ALL on the Same Team" there would seemingly be an equality that abides in saying there is no discernible difference. A wholesome feeling of fairness of true camaraderie. A sense of the Ultra Cycling Community bonding.
As we know it. As we were raised. As we have come to learn. There are marked differences in the physical makeup of humans. THAT, very much a debatable fact due to women pushing the boundaries in fairness of equality. After all they literally bare our kids.
Having said that when factoring in age with where we are suppose to be at in life; also factoring societies rules of categorizing performance compared to age there is this unforgiving grey area but clear to some "You are what you feel"
" You feel young...You'll stay young " Act young, feel young. Stay spirited stay young. Those areas, in our life time are newly documented as true. To those who live it...the proof is undeniable.
Much research has been done in this area of personal psychological feelings having a direct bearing on our physical state. Your mental state compared to where your physical state has arrived is a very seemingly elusive contentious issue.
In saying that, there seems to be much governance influential ways of what society comes to bare as normal; as the standard that one is suppose to go by in life and as I would call, generic thinking.
Now if you talking about social science, quantitative research evidently requires categorization; it is the search for relationships among classes of things.
In applied philosophy/ethics, most of the discussion is about categories that can be defined by things of what is thought to be necessary and sufficient conditions, e.g., abortion, war, marriage.
I believe, when thinking about categories allows what I call “the switching of arguments."
For instance, when you decide what is good about heterosexual marriages, and if the same reasons apply to gay marriages, you should favor them as well. By thinking categorically, you can switch from one case to another.
AT the end of the day....{to me} the crux of this thinking becomes a person's " individual personal Perspective " How each person is going to look decipher an official time record. World Record or not it more than likely will be an individual personal effort that got them there. Whether team, organized or paid for. Your past - what you've gone through - what you've been exposed to - your foundation background will pave the way to your personal opinion. Your personal sense of elation.
So who's better best doing the Tour Divide? It then becomes an contentious issue/point.
Many might say "just to finish" is a feat in of itself. I believe, that WHOLE heartedly!!!
*** We might think to rejoice in the glory that we just finished some thing that seemed beyond our means; that seemed and felt scary; that left us full of anxiety; full of one of the most exciting feelings in our life times!
Like rolling the dice ~ on the Tour Divide Route anything can happen. With the serious extreme weather some endure, the wildlife close call potential encounters, the detrimental factors of physical exertion under such varied harsh weather conditions, mental duress and stress surpassing most anticipated feelings...its all there. And.... "You finished!" Rejoice. You DID it ! No one can ever take that away from you.
That effort whomever has performed accomplished it has this validation admiration of friends family (the media) and the grey area, society universally in agreement. Maybe yes? Maybe no?
Perspective - a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view; a personal interpretation to what someone has done or someone has viewed.
In saying that.....
The rules I believe, just stop us all from getting along. In every case, they cause us to separate ourselves from getting along being more compassionate the very core of our DNA of every individual out there. Born.
Categorizing if there is to be a class in a hierarchy of sorts for whose who whose better also separates us but there again the effort defines us individually. All be it the consistent argument of being on the same playing field that lingers in many comparable sports; that is to brag bolster get kudos for something done that was of the same circumstances.
When doing something Ultra and Epic there must be a relentless passion. Otherwise, if a rational person attempted such a feat they would surely give up. Because they did not have the mental spirited push that seems to accompany anyone loving what they do.
Feel young your spirit tells your brain physically to catch up 'anything' that is possible becomes possible.
Hence, where my saying " Everyone has an Everest" " Every Everest is Special "
If one feels in their perspective someone is a hero they are!
If some one feels in the competitive sense they accomplished a given task / challenge in a very fair non-drug induced way on the same playing field then they won; they are successful.
Validation might better be heartfelt if one keeps the original goal personal.
Super Kudo's to you Lael Wilcox for having the determination relentless pursuit drive to get to where " You knew you CAN do this! "
Your definitely in the " Wow Class Acts in life!!! "
For THAT, you have my undying respect and admiration.
Your Feat will always be on the back of my mind.
On all my lonely rides when inspiration is necessary I will remember the feats of the " many " who have paved the way before my go of the TDR.
I do not forget and can not forget all those women who came before you. Who paved the way, who took the chance like any one person does with the crap shoot of finding out what their personal body limitations are?? Those that will come after you. Those that may read this and be inspired by your CraZzzy AmaZzzing pushes in the dark cold of rainy nights pushing pedaling up steep climbs. They will all do so with the feelings that if you can do it so can we. Bravo! That is SUCH The GOOD mark to leave!
We "ALL" are doing what we love when we give up so much time and effort just to arrive in Banff, Alberta - Canada Grand Depart START. To participate in the gathering of such spirited like minded individuals who's bond goes deeper than words.
We are a fraternity unto ourselves in this life.
Like oil surfaces on water - ALL who have taken on one of the World's toughest challenges will all be changed better people for the challenge.
To Quote one of the amazing books veteran rider of the TDR " Jill Homer " wrote:
When thinking of what's crazy....
All one has to do, is to shift their perspective to realize that most of their actions can be viewed as crazy. Its crazy, I thought, that most people spend most of their lives in pursuit of complications as love and wealth when they could enjoy a simple life of moving and existing - possibly the true path to happiness.
*Special mention always to those behind the scenes who track us, Scott Morris, Matthew Lee.
* BIG Kudos SHOUT OUT to Joe Polk who's relentless hidden efforts is the guy who is the solid Super friendly 1 - 800 "Call-in" answering guy (*24/7) that listens to our " Each" and "Every" personal call and documents them nicely as podcasts on his MTB Cast website. When the chips are down; when the chips are in your favour and your meeting nice people on the route; having the greatest of times; toughest of times; trust me " WE ALL would LOVE to hear from you!!! "
You CALL-in's allow us at home on the computer to feel what its like "where ever " your at WE'RE THERE WITH YOU - THANKS to Joe Polk's MTB Cast!
Thanks Joe!