so it goes...
THAT ......
BANG on !
So it goes!
So true!
Thanks for posting the before and after pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he use to be Mr. Olympia and now a sagging wreck. One might better take heed rather than put him down as to what he is representing.
It is perplexing interesting to understand that fundamental journey that " Starts " such people to give up. However, slowly fast, it is interesting to note to see it before our eyes. SCREW up!
And US, too! Can be subject to the same outcome!
But I have adopted this philosophy that I AM "Forever" trying to implement daily.
What you put into a car engine is what your going to get out of performance. Signs and symptoms 'eventually' show.
What you put into your body is what your going to get out of performance and mental wise. Signs and symptoms >....Well, there's the CATCH point!
You don't see the symptoms till later in life or a few years later; for some only a few months or less! Ya!
Throw in going to the Doctor for ailments; and you have someone dumb & dumber. ( I so remember the movie) I mean, we go think'n we can't fix ourselves. We become this helpless little vegetable that goes into the mommy syndrome asking "help me please....I'm sick"
Then, we listen to him the extent that we don't question most Doctors as to what caused this nutrition wise? What is THAT drug going to actually do??
We just take the prescription and carry on with life. Hoping it works!? WTF
It all started with what you ate. What you chose. What happened in your brain as a result.
Study how a car engine CAN fix it !!!!!
Study how a brain works CAN CAN Fix it, too!!!
Not to forget to mention your body, too!
How those pictures triggered my mind; along with a SUPER laugh! And then.....I kinda, got all serious. Scary. I could be like him if I'm not careful FAST!
So sad.
I too, AM programmed over the years with what my parents taught me to what 'they believed' was good for me. In (key word) "Their time! " NOT in mine!
These days we have more information at our disposal than EVER BEFORE in our history of living on earth.
I AM SOOoooo trying to undo this hypocritical way that had been engrained over the years (from ways of long gone past) (Parental learned) *society learned from my choices......and trying to rewrite the chemical memories already made in my mind. While all - the - while knowing better as I study more and more and more. Wondering " How the flying F&^% ....did I EVER get here to where I'm at today choosing some of these shitty things I do?? "
I'm so embarrassed some days with myself.
As I see we don't have enough GOOD examples in life.
Why is it cougar mothers can raise up their cubs the right way all the time EVERY time!??
And we parents / humans that have so much choice freedom of choice to chose from keep screwing it up; having such bad attitudes!?? WTF eh!?
It is only by choice that one single living person can change their lives.
Without doing the "pawn-off" I'll wait till this Friday; this next month; this next New Year's Eve to do the change; the time is "Now" for your NEW mind your trying to form to take heed and notice to your NEW way of training it!
Don't worry.
It'll get use to it quite quickly.
When you DO what ever it is you wish to change - RIGHT now!! The sooner, the better.
But there are other powers at play.
Those, the higher ups, Illuminati, a series of systems now in place SO SKEWED that is literally undermining where mankind is heading in direction for our health and environment.
All those thoughts zipped through my mind; jusssst from seeing the 2 pictures of someone who let me know; we're all going to age. But the thing is; do we have to so quickly???
Don't get me going.
I apologize, everyone for the tangent. But its just what was on mind that I thought I'd share; that someone benefit from; that some one might get a lift; and change. Ya, never know!?? eh.
I now, study epigenetics, neurobiology, nutrition, and the origins of what got u to where we made that 1st decision THAT made THAT slippery slope to future bad choices. It is an interesting area of study. Interesting debating with kids and youth. Let alone adults / parents alike.
Thanks for SUCH a GREAT laugh !!!!
Enjoy your journey!
Success does not require one to keep looking out the window,
Success only requires, you, to look in the mirror.
Man - in - the - mirror. (Michael Jackson) AT the Grammy's GREAT video!