Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 ride analysis site?
on: February 03, 2016, 07:25:07 PM
Location: Central Iowa
Posts: 324
« on: February 03, 2016, 07:25:07 PM » |
Sometime during or after the 2015 TD, someone posted a link to a web site that pulled in everyone's ride data and estimated their moving and stopped times for the day. Does anyone have that link or remember where it was at? I've been through quite a few of the posts in the TD Race thread but couldn't find it.
Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 ride analysis site?
Reply #1 on: February 03, 2016, 10:06:34 PM
Location: Cashmere, WA
Posts: 141
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2016, 10:06:34 PM » |
After finishing I bookmarked that. I found the sleep patterns of all of us very interesting. Page 63 from the 2015 TD race forum. I don't seem to be able to get the link to work anymore though. Maybe less sleep deprivation is the best strategy for winning? I was under the impression that Ollie Whalley was pretty consistant when he broke the record. Very cool out of the saddle)
Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 ride analysis site?
Reply #2 on: February 04, 2016, 12:05:11 AM
Posts: 594
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2016, 12:05:11 AM » |
Here is my 2015 sleep dep story: I rode the first day well until it rained. Then I kind of just wussed it into Elkford and shared a room with another racer. I barely slept 2.5 hrs and bailed early at 2:15. For the next 3 days I barely slept at all, and by 5 am I was rolling off Huckleberry Pass into Lincoln. I was down for 1-2 hr laying next to the road after Eureka night 2, Trackleaders says I was stopped 4:10 night 3 and night 4 on Huckleberry Pass I was down with no bivy and was scared of the Grizz I could hear nearby and didnt sleep at all laying next to fire. Rolling into Lincoln I was at 148 miles per day the first 96 hours and completely out of my mind.
I went into a restaurant on the right. The day before another rider attempting a Triple Crown, Alice Drobna, had warned me about how I was acting with no sleep. She was faster much faster, but I kept riding all night and catching her, and we would have some rather funny encounters. In Ovando she warned not to go out to Huckleberry as I was acting pretty much like a crazy man on meth in the store. Well in the restaurant I was scared. I didnt feel good at all coming off the Pass in the morning. Everyone caught me super quick. Lael Wilcox was somewhere in town so I thought for a second I could keep up will the top 4 women and the fast men around them like Elliot DuMont, but riding out of Lincoln I hit a wall. I could not think. I wanted to quit. I was scared to death and I told Elliot and Eleanor that on the steep hikeabike to Stemple. Elliot tried to calm me down by telling me I was a triple crown finisher and such and there is nothing wrong but I had not been sleeping and I was in a another whole world where the heat and the hill felt like death. I got to the top and for a second all seemed ok as Eleanor pedaled away.
Normally I would smoke that Downhill, but I couldnt ride the bike at all, Praying for dear life I would not crash and die on a road I would on any other day haul down. I saw a truck parked and could barely not hit it even there was 4-5 foot of room. Then I went through a drainage and flatted on sharp rocks on the g-out. I could not fix the flat in the heat with no sleep. I knew it so I just tried to glue the hole on the top of the tire and pump it up and make Helena to fix it properly. It worked until the bottom. As I turned to the next pass approach, It was flat again. I was out of my mind at that point, wanting only to quit and go to Helena and sleep. Brian Steele rides by and offers help but I am too far gone and about to freak out so i tell him to just ride on. I saw a guy in a truck going the other way. I asked him for a ride. I know its legit to head off route not on the course to bail So off I go the other way to Helena. The driver offers to drop me off in Canyon Creek at the little gas station, but I stay on until Helena and go to the bike shop. I make it to in a hotel room down the street after they fix my tire. I wake at 7 in pain with a empty pizza box next to me.
I was able to sleep 12 hours and return to the course the next morning and I still finished with a 23 day time, but I continued to play games with the sleep monster and race people all night just to see their responses when they would see me again after leaving me in the dust time after time. But eventually it caught up with me again. Mike S and Eleanor finally passed me for good after I stay out all night time and time again sleeping in freezing conditions in a 6oz bivy with no bag or pad. I went 902 miles only sleeping twice. I only show 2 tent icons in that space from Wamsutter to Pueblo Pintado, and I only got 2 hrs sleep in Wamsutter to begin with I sat in the store and ate and sat in a hotel room and left at midnight and slept next to the road in the truck dust 15 miles down the road tired and hurting. I was hellbent to race those around me and ride solo and not ride hotel to hotel at all. For the race I only show 12 tent icons.
The same thing that happened in Helena happened just past Pueblo Pintado. In a place one would not want to just lay down right next the road on the reservation, I just laid in my clothes in the warm night air and slept 9 hours instantly after the heat and the sleep deprivation took me from expecting to ride all night on the pave to a deep sleep the moment I stopped to get some food out. Woke up with the candy bar in my hand. I was never the same the rest of race and tried to ride all night at the end but ended up with a 23d5hr or so which was better than I really expected but probably could have been much better had I just simply slept a little more each night at key points and maybe a nap in the day here and there.
I actually hallucinated way more in the AZT 750 once, but in TD the sleep dep was sometimes more about fear. Like I feared the grizz sleeping on passes like Union and Huckleberry in my sleep dep state knowing I could not react well to any encounter as I was tripping and had no spray or whistle or anything. So I would say that messing with the sleep monster is a dangerous idea on the divide and should be carefully considered.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 12:23:02 AM by dream4est »
Divide Bike Bags
Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 ride analysis site?
Reply #3 on: February 04, 2016, 12:05:33 AM
Posts: 1
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2016, 12:05:33 AM » |
Omg. My idol bookmarked my website. 
Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 ride analysis site?
Reply #4 on: February 04, 2016, 07:03:14 PM
Location: Central Iowa
Posts: 324
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2016, 07:03:14 PM » |
After finishing I bookmarked that. I found the sleep patterns of all of us very interesting. Page 63 from the 2015 TD race forum. I don't seem to be able to get the link to work anymore though.
Josh, Thanks for the reply. I wasn't crazy then.  I found the data very useful as well Got in contact with Tom Chen via a FB group. I'm working on reviving this thing.  Steve
Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 ride analysis site?
Reply #5 on: February 05, 2016, 05:27:39 AM
Posts: 54
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2016, 05:27:39 AM » |
Speaking of TD2015, I'm interested in percentage of finishers by age group. My gut feeling is that a higher percentage of those over 40 yrs old finished than those under 40. Your thoughts?
Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 ride analysis site?
Reply #6 on: February 06, 2016, 10:30:27 AM
Posts: 252
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2016, 10:30:27 AM » |
Hey Josh Kato - do my eyes deceive me or have you just put your name down to race again in 2016? If you go NOBO I guess I'll say Hi around Pinedale.
Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 ride analysis site?
Reply #7 on: February 06, 2016, 04:06:55 PM
Location: Cashmere, WA
Posts: 141
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2016, 04:06:55 PM » |
Hey Josh Kato - do my eyes deceive me or have you just put your name down to race again in 2016? If you go NOBO I guess I'll say Hi around Pinedale.
I really want some more pie. 
Topic Name: Tour Divide 2015 ride analysis site?
Reply #8 on: February 17, 2016, 10:22:18 PM
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 240
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2016, 10:22:18 PM » |
Josh, Thanks for the reply. I wasn't crazy then.  I found the data very useful as well Got in contact with Tom Chen via a FB group. I'm working on reviving this thing.  Steve Awesome Steve. I missed that link previously and would be keen to see my stats and those who rode around me during the race. I hope you can breath life into it again.