UpDate on Connor OLeary's BRAVE attempt to smash Mike Hall's InSane World Record time!!! .
I feel ~ He's not done , yet. Its maybe, come back time later or soon!
Connor ~ When you read this buddy ~ Here's hoping YOU get well .... and a GOOD Solid fast recovery.
We're ALL wishing you well.....because Dude! We're all on the same team. We are lovers of Epic Endurance rides and all that it challenges us to do and become.
*Much joy, satisfaction is found in the joy of making our hearts sing.
here it is...
The WHY? Connor's GPS SPOT is not moving no more.
This is what I found out ~ from a guest Rancher /Owner.
via direct phone call.
Connor rode into the Heart Six Guest Ranch...late last night.
he wanted a place to stay. They were outta cabins. So being a NEW owner,and hearing about there are going to be more and more riders coming through...he STILL wanted to be nice and so gave him the tepee at the back of the property.
Connor hit the Ranch Cafe; he gave him some towels; soap and things so at least he could take a shower.
HE didn't look good he said.
His face, looked swollen and he just didn't look good. probably not; he just bolted and caught Mike Hall's W.R. pace time. + 1hr and a few.
So someone offered to bring him to the hospital as he requested to go to one.
So he said he would like to see his mom and go to the Salt Lake City hospital but pass right by his mom's house before doing so.
So they gave him a ride; allowed him to keep his bike and things right on site.
So THAT is the reason why his GPS SPOT is STILL tracking.
He's already left the area to go to a hospital but before doing so...see his mom; as she was leaving to go somewhere's ? Re: a trip or something. So they went and left the Ranch.
So I Thanked him profusely for being so so nice to one of our TD riders; as I said, there will be MUCH more in the future, I'm sure !
Especially, hearing if you's were so nice to one rider; probably have it within you to be nice to more. its your way.
he said Thanks!
We're NEW owners,and we try to do our best.
i told him about our race. How nice the riders try to be. And that they are pretty much " DONE IN " at that point from lack off sleep nutrition and who knows what ailments at that point.
So that's it!
Connor's done.
But maybe not!?> ??
Because, he might STILL get well after treatment....and Decide, SCREW this! I'm going back.
Valiantly, bail out...due to complications beyond his control.
So we will STILL have to wait and see!
For now, THERE IS NO WORLD RECORD OF Mike Hall's being broken.
Mike made a goal. Pursued it on his own terms. And accomplished the task at hand. A VERY brave effort....as it will be for " anyone" to try and break it.
So, IT STANDS ....and probably WILL stand for a bit, anyways.
There are many more who are competitively minded.
But the TD is an EPIC formidable opponent to be reckoned with.....as are a lot of Epic Endurance rides; with all that it will CAN AND DOES throw at the Endurance Rider.....who, at their core, is trying to make their heats sing; and truly are!~
To tackle such an Epic Endurance Challenge, it is and WILL be like putting yourself in a blender; then it will spit you out STINGING you GOOD before you land anywhere nice. Especially, If your not wise as to what it can dish out.
It WILL always be there.
So that's the UpDate as I " just " heard it from the Rancher Owner himself.
There ya go gang!