Speaking about World Records....and who holds the TDR World Record?
http://road.cc/content/news/86560-mike-hall-completes-tour-divide-record-time-misses-out-official-titleI myself, if ever getting around to doing TDR (I am definitely not a racer) and if ever was in shape enough to go for it, I would only consider Mike Hall's record (with Jay Petervary's record on my mind also) as the one to beat. He went well out of his way > Due to whatever! A tornado/fires/hurricane he went and added extra miles; PLus + still BEAT the World Record by a good margin ending up at the finish and did well over 3/4 of the race course. (Now only to me....in my opinion that would be the one ONLY for me! No offense to anyone else here)

Understandably there has to be a level playing field for all to go by.
Thus making it easier to say I broke that World Record.
There will be many variables along the way to say who had to put forth the most effort in making a World Record.
When each World Record for the Tour Divide Route gets broken it will be a special event of I'm sure Epic proportions. Will it be as difficult as the previous records set? Maybe not? Maybe yes! It may be a HUGE effort not noticed by all who come to know. But we in the Ultra Endurance and cycling fraternity have come to like this thing called 'Cycling'. We truly are ALL on the same team. We have a Universal love.
I love that part. Camaraderie is always high around the world.
Some things are variable though.
AS time passes so do the parameters of weather.
Some things are permanent. ~ Lets say, 'The route' in which we say now say, "my turn"
But do we give credit to someone who did his best with only a little handful knowing about this race? When the weather was maybe not so bad? When the route changed longer tougher than last?
To me...
A World Record is like everyone having their own Everest in life.
Each Everest is special.
Every attempt is unique; every attempt is special; every attempt has its circumstances of discomfort in getting there. But none the less, is special.
It will forever be picked apart by a circle of those in its world or love of sport.
But make no mistake about my writing this article and sharing some thoughts...I love each and every one of you for trying. For me it is only a dream in which I hope to make come true one day. But each of you who attempt such feats of Epic proportions have my utmost respect and admiration!
Honestly, I'm only writing this in hopes to hear from what your thoughts might be?
Realizing that when I go to break a World Record the playing field might totally be different. Will I have broken a World Record? Maybe so! Will it be the same as another racer before me? It may in a HUGE HUGE way be harder... a HUGE long shot! Key point: On my terms. My way.
Each person has the privilege to say, "I think I can beat that time". On any given day you may be the one to say, "I finished last" while some say. " I finished first"
But that is what sport is all about.
We make it competitive. And when we do through making it competitive we loose our sense of team. That we do the sport first because we love what we're doing. And in cycling that we might think to do it first because we love cycling for the fun of it. And in this race although the toughest in the world being ALL solely self supported it is in the struggle the challenge of the logistics to every detail the pushing of our own limits; limits we never knew we could push so far that we more thoroughly appreciate what we did.
Like I say, "its personal"
Every Everest is special!
That's just me though.
My opinion.
As the years have unfolded there have been many more seasoned athletes / racers who are familiar to the racing scene, ultra racing etc. attempting to race this Tour Divide Route making it much more difficult to think to break a World Record because of more knowing more have the chance to break the World Record.
But this does not erase the amazing efforts of those before setting World Records with this race with the parameters of then. Whereas before in the infancy of TDR there were only a few racers who knew about this race all efforts by those then were special and valid and courageous. Now, seemingly everyone around the world has come to know the challenging affects and life altering ways that that Tour Divide presents and have come to take a shot at their personal efforts to overcome such formidable odds and possibly a shot at the World Record. Making the odds seemingly harder or more impossible to break such clocked times.
For some, it will be huge weather problems. 2014 brought a very rainy start....and a brief snow storm to boot! (1 inch of wet snow in 22 minutes flat on camera!).
Heck we even took our Famous Group TDR picture at the Banff YWCA while it was raining. A testament to the enduring toughness of all who participated. All those who came from across the oceans. Those enduring 9 hour flights!
Bravo! Your one of a kind! ALL of you!

I wish everyone so well in doing 'their'

personal best.
The finish point is one point; but how you get there is the other point that may be arguable for many.
The course changing all the time...due to a mirage of reasons: some (weather) (great ideas for NEW route changes) makes for a even more political debate I think? The route or boasting rights then becomes different as the years unfold. (just saying...just saying)
I'm kind of comparing this to a couloir that I have had my eye on doing at night. Some have said so and so skied it back in the 80's. Some have said there are only 6 to date. But back then there was NO cornice lip either. NO dangerous drop in to worry about. Snow drifting differently due to some major snow falls back then. Now, weather is sporadic and unpredictable and seemingly getting more weird worse where ever you'd like to take that point....but its always changing is the point.
Thus so are the parameters and what I call playing field for doing sports and challenging feats of Epic proportions.
If I were to go to ski that couloir today I would certainly have to deal with a bad cornice lip that has been for some years growing dangerously huge. One day I will add my name to it in skiing it at night. This concept of skiing only at night is where I got my name from. Where some might think it pretty cool Rad neato to do at night, but some may not and just call it Crazy good fun.
Hence, the nickname for only skiing at night Crazy Larry. Actually, I kept it as a way of deciphering who I wish to be around. It enlightens me quickly who judges the book by the cover type idea. Get it? Another reason I love helping others in a unique going the extra mile way. I thought to keep the name for others to remember the deed. Pay it forward is the motto. (*Ha! Now some of you know)
I totally respect Jay Petervary's World Record as one to beat, too! He took the official route; stuck to the official rules and thus I am not for one minute discounting his efforts.
He DID break the World Record of the Tour Divide. Some may argue having a camera crew filming as psychological lifting factor. I do not. Someone has to turn those pedals eh!?
So you know....He's an amazing guy married to another amazing Ultra Endurance girl Tracey; Amazing Ultra Endurance Racers; but always knowing there was a guy that went around the area of too much smoke and STILL beat the World Record time on the Tour Divide Route is so amazing to me ...that would be the one I would go after.
I consider Jay a friend. He's an amazing Ultra Endurance racing cycling athlete. Very well respected in his field.
We all think differently and have ever right to do so.
Right now with the 2014 Tour Divide race-in-progress June 15th (today) and Jefe Branham in the lead beating Jay's World Record pace although it may seem he's beating it now....ANYTHING can happen. Things like hypothermia, breaking a pedal spindle back when Craig Stappler was going to cross the finish line WITH Mike Hall....then it broke and that nightmare you wouldn't think just happened happens.
Well, think about this?
It can happen to you!
But I'm wishing EVERY racer touring cyclist out there Best Wishes for a GREAT FUN race challenging yourselves.
I would like to Thank each and every family member who came to support as spectators and cheer leaders for their husband boyfriend girlfriend Uncle or Aunt; along with those who attended my Question & Answer Session; and those racers touring the Tour Divide Route for allowing me to cheer you on; announce your name; interview you; take your picture; shake your hand; high five you joyfully; that have helped me along my way; you truly are the people that bring out any colour in me!
You've all lifted me higher right when I needed it most!
......with memories of my mom passing away last year lingering and coming to light (*right now) in description purposes only two days after the Grand Depart at the YWCA. Yeek! The memory is haunting me today. My heartfelt Thanks to ALL of You for that!
All the little gestures acts of kindness lifted my spirits and gave me the courage to stick to my guns with doing the Tour Divide.
Some riders have suggested I try raising funds through kickstarter; some say get a darn donation button on my website www.crazylarry.ca....what ever the case I will be ***for sure*** taking on the challenge. The suspense is over whelming! The ride home back to Banff through the mud and in the rain from Mt. Shark was a rinse of my soul thinking of you all.What's your opinion? OUT THERE in cycling land of Ultra Endurance riding!
Like I say, "its personal"
Breaking a World Record and Finishing "its personal"
Go have some FUN!
The very fact that your trying is a true testament to the person you've either become or are now.
Every Everest is special!
That's just me though.
My opinion.I wish you ALL a safe adventurous FUN Tour Divide Route (TDR) ride!
Enjoy the journey! In Crazy Larry's world "Were Really ALL on the Same Team" For those that did...
Thanks for upholding some of the highest level of Camaraderie in the World. *A World Record!
crazylarrybanff@gmail.comwww.crazylarry.ca (for general comments about him)