Looking through the USA Cycling Rulebook today I found this interesting ditty. Bike-packing gets a mention in #9

USA Cycling Chapter 6 Mountain Bike Racing
All riders are expected to follow the industry-supported MTB code:
1. I will yield the right of way to other non-motorized recreationists.
2. I will use caution when overtaking another and will make my presence known well in advance.
3. I will maintain control of my speed at all times.
4. I will stay on designated trails.
5. I will not disturb wildlife or livestock.
6. I will not litter.
7. I will respect public and private Property.
8. I will be self-sufficient.
9. I will not travel solo when bike-packing remote areas.
10. I will observe the practice of minimum impact bicycling.
11. I will always wear a helmet whenever I ride.