Personal setups » an 8 year adventure of setting up
handlebar packs…total weight 8 lbs 20f. goose down bag w/ 4SSHH system shelter…foul weather gear rain suite etc…
frame pack …food storage…gas tank pack for other little items
super twinkie..several days worth of clothing…w/msr international stove and mess kit…
two 22oz fuel bottles front forks
3 27oz water bottles…also i carry a msr micro water filter for those just in case moments of needing water…
any way just thought i share with you all
June 17th, 2010 in
Personal setups
is there a bike under there somewhere, wow.
how long a trip did you take?
yeah a trek fuel 80 full suspension
Where are you going with all that gear? I hope you have fun:)
Cheers Dave.
home soon to the northern rockies
That’s a serious setup. Looks like you have a more demanding tour planned.
no place in particular…
i like the idea i can travel down a dirty or hard top road
i am palnning to do the GDMBT very soon
I’d like to know what your setup weighs—–thanks wade
bike 29 lbs
equipment 35 lbs w/ food ,water & fuel
The forum for those with a rack/pannier allergy has a winner!
Are you a bikepacker or just homeless?
not homeless…
i just like taking long rides…
and camping out….
conifir: Tell ’em all to eat sh*t and die. Head down that trail knowing you are ready for about anything, and have the time of your life, before you get too old chronologically or too old in your head, like these envious snide weenies. GO FOR IT!
Wow….is there an SLR camera in there?
no camera….
i am already carrying to much weight…..35 lbs
So that is why they call it a Fuell! Just couldn’t resist the pun.
Seriously though, you might want to consider some bigger brake rotors to be able to kep the brakes in a safe operating temperature to prevent fading on long descents.
That’s a serious back country touring setup. Looks great for extended wilderness adventures. Thanks for sharing!
awesome that you are ready to get out there and enjoy some trails, you’ll love it! Probably the most important thing to do if you are riding solo is switch your gear around so all the food, toiletries, stove, sunscreen etc are all in the same bag. If you are truly heading out into the wilderness you need to hang your food and ANYTHING that smells good to a bear and keep your nighttime clothes away from that stuff while packed on the bike. The GDMBR goes through some grizzly country and the last thing you want is to be woken up in the middle of the night because you missed an energy bar or something in one of your bags, once a grizzly finds food it isn’t going to give it up easily, you could become part of it’s dinner. They are definitely out there! I saw 6 bears, 4 moose and a mountain lion in the off road sections between Polebridge and Elk Pass. Be bear aware!
p.s. you could probably lose a fuel bottle, a 20oz bottle of white gas can last up to four days making breakfast, coffee and dinner for 2 people with an MSR simmerlite, longer for one person. Can you really carry more than four days of food with all the stuff you are already carrying?
Awesome set-up. You should make it to Argentina and back no problem!
Do you have a backup if a bag rips or breaks apart?
just get out there!
serious questions – how did you migrate to that style saddle? do you like it? disadvantages over a typical one?
Rock on! Excellent setup!
Are he bags home made or bought, if so what is the frame and bar bag setup?
Hi conifir!
I’m a design student in the Netherlands currently working in a fictional project related to bikepacks. Since it is a flat country it is very hard for me to find mtb trekking users. I would love if you could answer me some questions about your experience. If you are interested, let me know in this mail please:
Thanks a lot!
Other users than want to help are welcome as well 😉