Personal setups, Ultralight / Singletrack » Chad’s AZT 300 SS setup 2009
On the bike:
Prolite Thermarest, SL Ultra Montbell Sleeping Bag, hammock, with water bottles, 32 x 20 gearing, GPS, EOS Princton Tec bike light, Carousel Designs large saddle bag for bag/hammock, dry bag mounted on front of handlebars with thermarest with some cinch cordes. 1/4 webbing to hang hammock.
In the Osprey Talon 22 Bag:
Ability to carry 200 ounces of water (I left Parker with about 100 ounces on my back and both water bottles full), extra bike parts, maps, sunscreen, food (like bars, fig newtons, etc. about 1500 calories to start), first aid kit and medicine, 3 extra tubes, pump, rain jacket, 1 dry bag for clothes, extra short liners for Pearl Izumi Versa shorts, arm/knee warmers, Woolistic zip sweater, extra jersey, SPOT, water tablets, Ipod Nano with classical music, CC/cash/ID, picture of family, Crank Brothers multi-tool, Gerber knife, 4 feet of duct tape wrapped around pump, EOS princeton tec light for helmet, extra batteries for light/GPS, tire lever, patches, cue sheets, and PI touring socks.
Well done Chad. I read you blog and found this website, good stuff. Congrats on finishing in such a short amount of time! I heard you just recently started to ride a rigid ss!
Is your bike custom built for you with that very short non suspension corrected fork? I don’t think I have ever seen a 29″ frame with a fork that short before.
It is a 26/29 rigid fork, 445 vs the 465 normal length.
Loved reading about your trip. You’ve got some really nice gear and bike. Some day I would love to do a trip this amazing, but I will have to train up for it obviously.
Those osprey packs are nice, eh? My friend’s uncle owns Osprey and I have always been a fan of their gear.