Personal setups » dylan’s Surly Troll
This is not a bikepacking bike. This is a “fully-loaded and long distances touring on mostly quiet rough roads” bike. About 49 weeks and about 15,000 miles / 25,000 km, in a loop of the Continental USA and some of Canada and Alaska.
Coffee on the Wyoming border.
Including but not limited to:
– real sleeping bag (night low 20F, day high 108F) and a pad
– double wall tent with a pole and stakes
– 1 litre pot, stove, fuel, coffee cup
– a couple days’ of food
– puff jacket
– full gore tex, almost waterproof socks and mittens, fleece gloves, wool hat
– 2 tallboys (Rainier)
– 2 pairs long underwear tops and bottoms
– space for about a gallon of water
– 4 bizarre thoughts
– tools: all the usual, plus Rohloff stuff and two spare tubes
16″ Surly Troll, steel, mechanical disc brakes, fenders, everything is heavy and awesome. All bags by Revelate Designs but one is from the Epic era. Maybe a 30 pound bike with 20 pounds of gear? Rear rack for strapping a spare tire to, or to carry a big tarp on, or to hold a $5 hot-and-ready from Little Caesar’s — but I’d rather pony up the extra dollar and get a second topping and wait 10 minutes at Domino’s. Better, and more, sauce.
Pitch your tent, pitch your tarp, build a fire. Stop being so serious.
15,000 miles?…..that’s impressive!
How did the Rohloff hold up?
Dylan is on the road again – crossing Australia. West-East. The only Rohloff issue was replacing his rear cog at one point
does dylan have a tracker /
no, but at the moment I think he’s between Norseman and Ceduna somewhere.
Would be good to hear more of his adventures…brilliant.
Snapped 2 of the 16 teeth off the Rohloff cog while in Yellowstone but could still soft pedal to this brilliant bike shop in Victor, ID, called Fitzgerald’s where I had a new cog put on. I’d expect a cog to last over 15,000 if you flipped it sooner, like I didn’t ever do. Also dust from an earlier trip to Hudson Bay wore it down a bit I think.
I don’t have a tracker. I’m not sure I even know what that is — you mean like a Spot?
Super impressive setup! What kind o’ handlebar is that?
Excellent bike choice for that long distance. You rock! I appreciate your riding and touring attitude. I used a 26″ wheel Long Haul Trucker with the same tire (Schwalbe Marathon) to cross the U.S.; not one flat, or broken spoke. Zero mechanical problems. Happy trails.