Bike Bags, Gear reviews » Handlebar Buckets
These new bags are called handlebar buckets.
They are similar to the mountain feed bag, but provide more volume. The bags are handmade in Flagstaff, AZ and are large enough to hold a 1 liter nalgene bottle. They include a felt liner, external mesh pocket and rap around sewn-in safety reflector. I’ve been using a pair for 2 months and I’m pleased with their trail performance. I’d give these a five star rating if the buckles were replaced with velcro (like the mountain feedbag attachments). I find that velcro facilitates quicker installation. However, the plastic buckles of the handlebar buckets may last longer than velcro. 4 Stars! More information at
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Looking forward to trying one out soon.
do you think you could still attach a CDW or RD type handlerbar harness with these on?
it looks like these things would swing while you ride. i would be interested to see a video of them in action. Do they attach at the bottom to the crown of the fork?
@robinb – I do not know if these would work with the harness.
@bracken – The buckets do have a strap that attaches to the fork crown. As long as all the straps are cinched down, there is no swinging. The buckets are in this video but you can not see them very well…
cheers, Troy
I love my ‘Buckets. Here’s my review in Dirt Rag:
I have a set of these, but in Australia we call them chafe bags.
Google ‘ bike bag dude ‘ they hand make them here in Australia to your specifications ,
great price and great features.