Hydration » Katadyn Mini filter

Its small size fits in a coat pocket or waist pack, making the Mini ideal for travel, business trips and day hiking and solo backpacking.

* Ceramic microstrainer removes bacteria and protozoans, including giardia and cryptosporidia
* Silver impregnation inhibits bacterial growth inside filter pores
* Comes with 30″ intake hose, cleaning brush and case
* Use iodine or chlorine where viruses are suspected

Weight 8 ounces
Dimensions 7 x 2.75 x 1.75 inches
Filter medium Ceramic micro-strainer
Housing material POM plastic
Removes Cryptosporidia, giardia, bacteria
Output 0.36 liters/minute
Pump force 5.3 pounds
Pump strokes per liter 167
Field cleanable Yes

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Comments (1)

GrummaDecember 8th, 2018 at 1:27 pm

Absolute rubbish. Too much effort required to filter. 167 pumps / litre! Got rid of mine and bought a Sawyer

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