Routes » RADtrek – Ride Along The Divide Route

Ride Along the Divide, or RAD, is a new route through Colorado’s Alpine that maximizes the high altitude experience. It is described in a book by Jeff Nussbaumer.
“Whether on a new or old beat, trail blazing is an art form immersed in wild conquest of the unknown. Just as Lewis and Clark went great lengths to discover the richness of America, so does the fat-tire-freak make new tracks on rarely used paths in the endless pursuit of rediscovering remote lands.”
GPS Data
There is no GPS data for this route, but it is fully described in the book, with maps and descriptions:

Website, where the book is available for purchase.
So you want to sell me a book to guide me through the high country of Colorado? A big book to carry along with me? On a web site stuffed with people giving away awesome GPS routes? And the bike pictured on the doesn’t inspire much confidence either. No doubt it is a cool route though, good luck selling it.
This is all about the ride and experiencing Colorado’s finest on two wheels. The book: RAD is a product of the adventure undertaken numerous times since 2006 on several different bike setups. GPS is awesome — don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want to be limited or helped by GPS when I ride — thats my personal preference and something that indeed dates me. It is about finding a new route and getting lost in it. The book is not big, and pretty travel friendly, but I wouldn’t take it along anyway. I’ve got a few guidebooks that I’ve never brought with me on the trail. Its a waste of space, when I can just jot down the information I need from the guideand take off on the trail.