Routes » Sheltowee Trace

need a photo from the trail, got one? let us know!
The Sheltowee Trace is a 270 mile trail that runs north-south across Kentucky. It has received National Recreation Trail status and is mostly open to bikes.
GPS Data
Complete GPX files are available on’s GPS fourm:
Note that you must register to be able to download the GPX files as attachments.
Trip Reports
This is the only known thru-trip on the Trace, back in 2000:
Links – definitive site on the Trace – info, maps, GPS data, forums.
Forest Service site on the Trail – details which portions are open/closed to bikes forum discussion on the trail (and carrying bikes through areas not open to bikes)
Hey all- the Trace is horsey mc-horsey’d. SERIOUSLY. Just be aware of this. Literally 1/2 mile sections of clay mud pits inches deep. There’s also quite a few fun sections, but be ready for some horsey-mc-horsey’s up mudholes of death.
I have ridden about half of the ST it is a gem of a trail… One sweet section is Laurel Lake north parking lot and going north into Cane Creek Wildlife aera…
I will be bike packing the ST starting Sept 23..
this is a fairly doable drive for me maybe next spring/early summer? anyone more local been on it lately? i will check the website that has the files and info before planning any trip, but just wondered if any updates/rides attempts since last post in 2010? thanks.
oh ignore that question, i found the forum string on it. …
Haven’t been on this trail since 1993. It would be fun to get back and ride some more!
The Sheltowee is now 307 miles with the southern terminus now at Leatherwood Ford trail head in Big South Fork in Tennessee. The Sheltowee Trace Association is working to make sure the Trace is open and accessible to mountain biking. Some miles now are on asphalt roads but 75% is in the woods on single track or old logging roads. We do have some mud holes in the S-Tree to Turkeyfoot section of the Trace over in Jackson County. This section is open to all users and we are working with the Forest Service to hardened many sections of this stretch to eliminate these mudholes.