Arizona Trail, Desert Southwest (CO,AZ,UT,NM), Trip Reports » Kentucky Camp Overnighter
I just finished an overnighter on the AZT, Pistol Hill road to Kentucky Camp, and back the next day. 90 miles total, 45 each way, 14,521 feet of climbing. The one-way distance is 26 miles as the crow flies – the trail is so winding it almost doubles the mileage! TheĀ routing can be a little frustrating, especially with tired legs; up one ridge, down the next, repeat often, and throw in some hike-a-bike. The further south you go, the more rugged it gets.
I didn’t take many pics, but here’s a few. It’s very dry this time of year (carry at least a gallon of water), but the air is cool…
Incredibly blue skies…
The East side of the Santa Ritas…
A little rest in the shade…
A good way to get ready for an endurance race, 24hop!
A word of warning, there appears to be a beehive next to the trail, just up the canyon from Hidden Valley Ranch, right where the trail crosses the canyon. I heard the buzz of a hive on the way down, and on the way back I got stung on the face as I passed by. When I realized what happened, I rode on quickly for a mile before I stopped to pull out the stinger. A small mirror would have come in handy. Don’t mess with the bees here, they can be deadly. If you get stung, leave the area immediately.
Someone should offer a shuttle service to Kentucky Camp; this would be an awesome hard core day ride. Tucson is getting to be quite the mountain biking destination; you could visit here in the winter and do an epic ride in a new area every day for a week! Kudos to the local activists, keep up the good work.
Awesome! I found the section of trail between Rosemont Junction and Laked Rd to be the most sapping. Up & down steep loose trail. It’s better than it has been in years past but still pretty taxing. I heard bees will send you a warning by bumping into your head or stinging in/near the forehead to get you to move out, sounds like you did just that. I suppose you could filter water at one of the cattle tanks between Rosemont Junction and KC, are there other sources of H2O along the route?